Jesus never existed after reviewing 126 historical texts, page-182

  1. 6,566 Posts.

    Much of what you have written I have to agree with but must add. A society of individuals could never solve our major problems. There has to be a true religion either starting to emerge and still in the background or one not far away in coming because this age is on its knees.

    It's essential that we develop ourselves as individuals but we must have a common rallying point, a singular vision that we approach as competent individuals yet are able to contribute collectively. We will have to submit ourselves to the common good to some degree or the future will be very bleak.

    It's clear that not any of the mainstream religions has any hope of offering a solution.

    We need to establish some kind of global unity before we even begin to reestablish the planets equilibrium. I can't see any other possible way of establishing unity other than via a new world religion.

    It would have to embrace science. It would have to embrace all true religions. It would have to have the highest respect for the individual and cultural diversity. It would have to endorse the highest standards of education. It would have to endorse equality of men and women. The end of prejudice, etc, etc. Stuff like that. I hope I'm alive to see it.
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