Jesus never existed after reviewing 126 historical texts, page-222

  1. 1,062 Posts.
    As early as 1600 BCE, Aegean sea-going ships were constructed with a central keel or spine from which extended ribs to provide the shape of the hull, as can be seen in the wall paintings from Akrotiri on Thera. Such design may have emulated the skeleton of a beached whale or dolphin. Indeed if the name "hyksos" translates as fish-pig, just as our word "porpoise" originates from Latin "porcopiscus" = "pig-fish", then the story of Jonah caught in the belly of a whale may have alluded to Jonah being press-ganged as an oarsman in an Aegean ship.

    If ribs, indeed whole skeletons, were well understood at this relatively early stage, and the skeletons of men and women are so alike that even modern archaeologists are unable to determine the sex of recovered ancient skeletons, it defies logic that a rib would be used to make woman out of man when the only real difference between the sexes is the fleshy (Gk kreas, from which we get our word "Creator") parts. So it is a riddle and we are looking for an image of something fleshy.
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