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Ann: ADDRESS: PCT: Precinct 2014 AGM Chairman and CEO Address

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    • Summary: ADDRESS: PCT: Precinct 2014 AGM Chairman and CEO Address
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    07/11/2014 09:46
    REL: 0946 HRS Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited
    ADDRESS: PCT: Precinct 2014 AGM Chairman and CEO Address
    Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited Annual General Meeting
    10:00am (New Zealand time), Friday 7 November 2014
    Crowne Plaza, 128 Albert Street, Auckland
    Chairman's Opening address
    Good morning. It is good to see you here today. My name is Craig Stobo. As
    Precinct's Chairman it is my pleasure to welcome you to our annual meeting.
    And also to do so when your company has had another good year.
    As a Board we are very happy the company has continued to build a stronger
    position across our portfolio. This is in large part thanks to continued good
    execution against a clear strategy.  We remain positive about the company's
    direction and the opportunities it is developing.
    Board and Executive
    Before going any further, let me introduce your Board and Executive Team here
    with me today.
    I would also like to welcome our company representatives here today from our
    auditors, Ernst & Young, our tax advisors, KPMG, our solicitors, Russell
    McVeagh and of course many Precinct staff members.
    It has been a year of growth and change, and we have also seen changes in
    your Board.
    Post-balance date Rob Walker, who I welcome here today, stepped down from the
    Board. Rob, who had been the alternate director for Mohammed Al Nuaimi, has
    over a number of years made a real contribution to the success of Precinct.
    We wish him well.
    Replacing Rob as alternate for Mohammed we welcome Anthony Bertoldi to the
    Board. Anthony has 19 years of experience in the property industry including
    5 years as CEO of the ING Retail Property Fund in Australia. This extensive
    retail expertise and experience will strengthen the Board as we look to
    execute on the Downtown project.
     As you can see from this slide, the company had a good year.
    Net profit after tax for the year was $117.2 million. This included a $47.5
    million revaluation and other non-cash items. After allowing for these items
    our net operating income was $63.8 million. This is around 9% higher than in
    2013 and reflects improved occupancy in the portfolio, increasing market
    rents and recent acquisitions.
    The momentum of the business in recent years and improving market conditions
    allowed us to increase the dividend paid to shareholders in FY14 by 5.5%.
    These solid results also came as we advanced a vision for lifting the quality
    of our portfolio, focusing squarely on key opportunities and quality
    execution and risk management.
    Financial position
    We also maintained a strong financial position.  We reduced gearing from 37%
    to 33.8%. We raised $62 million from two successful equity initiatives. Our
    portfolio gained $47.5 million in revaluation to reach $1.73 billion.
    Importantly this revaluation gain came not just from yield compression but
    also from strong market rental growth.
    This revaluation helped lift our net tangible assets by 5.1% to $1.04.
    We generated a total return for the year of 8.9%. This compared to the sector
    total return, excluding Precinct, of 8.0%.
    This week we announced that we will borrow around $100 million from the
    United States Private Placement market or the USPP market as it is more
    commonly known.
    The US dollar issuance comprised two tranches, a $50 million 10 year note and
    a $25 million 12 year note. This type of term is just not available from bank
    debt or the New Zealand bond market and sees our weighted average debt
    maturity increase by 1 year to 4.5 years. The USPP market is large and
    sophisticated so to have gained access to this market from a funding
    perspective is very positive for our business. This transaction is a first
    for the New Zealand property sector and strengthens our capital structure by
    adding valuable diversity as we look to execute on our strategy.
    Our Vision
    The vision set out on this slide builds on a strategy we adopted in 2011.
    We determined we would grow by being true to our point of difference as
    specialist investors in quality CBD real estate.
    We undertook a comprehensive review of our assets and classified them as
    either active, strategic, core or non-core, as shown on the slide. Active and
    strategic assets are those assets with significant existing value or future
    value upside. These assets are central to our vision. Core assets are well
    located prime assets that fit firmly within our strategy. Non-core assets
    however are those assets that are generally considered lower quality and
    relative to the rest of the portfolio are sub optimal.
    We recognised the need to recycle funds out of non-core assets and to
    reweight the majority of our portfolio to Auckland.
    Three years on we have continued to deliver on, and see benefits from, this
    strategy.  And in the coming year we will continue to focus on progressing
    the asset sales programme, maintaining high occupancy and ensuring our
    remaining portfolio continues to perform well.
    We are also continuing to focus on creating our own quality assets by
    developing unique precincts in unparalleled locations.
    As clients grow, or want to move on to bigger space, we want to move with
    them, offering them quality options and a high level of flexibility which is
    unique from an owner.
    For example, we anticipate that both the new Downtown building and the new
    buildings at Wynyard Quarter will become new offices for some of Precinct's
    existing clients.
    Anticipated Benefits
     This slide shows our goals for 2020 and for improved long term earnings.
    Currently the average quality of our portfolio is considered "A grade" by
    market standards.  By 2020 we want our average standard to be "premium". By
    2020 the current portfolio will have an average age of 26 years and by
    comparison under the 2020 vision we are aiming to reduce this to around 15
    A higher quality, younger portfolio will bring operational benefits in
    reduced maintenance, improved client retention and ultimately higher rent
    Words like "unique" and "unrivalled" are often bandied about. But when you
    look at Bowen Campus, Wynyard Central and the Downtown precinct there are
    simply very few other office development sites in New Zealand or globally
    that compare. It is an additional gain that around half the portfolio is now
    on Auckland's highly attractive CBD waterfront.
    Outlook and Dividend
    Selling assets will in the shorter term reduce rental income while we reduce
    our debt levels.
    But while we progress the sales programme and pre-fund planned developments
    we also plan to maintain dividends.
    Auckland's strong office market will help maintain portfolio earnings and we
    will work to keep occupancy high in tight markets where we are enjoying
    strong demand. We will also benefit from a changed tax position while we
    recycle much of the portfolio.
    The 2015 first quarter dividend of 1.35 cents per share is in line with
    guidance and will be paid on 11 December.
    Board Focus
     There are genuinely exciting prospects ahead for the company. But as a Board
    we remain focused on ensuring growth is closely managed.
    It's worth remembering the assets we are planning to develop are currently
    earning income. They are not bare land. Before moving to development the
    Board will want to be satisfied we have appropriate levels of pre-commitments
    from future occupiers.
    We will follow proven, pragmatic approaches. We look forward confidently to
    further gains in the coming year.
    I will now ask Scott Pritchard, Precinct's Chief Executive Officer, to take
    you through the year in executing the company's strategy.
    Thank you.
    Scott Pritchard, CEO
    Positioning the portfolio
    Thank you Craig.
    I agree with the Chairman's sentiments about the position that the business
    now finds itself following a number of years with a clear and concise
    From my perspective, it is the existence of this strategy and the clarity of
    it, which sets Precinct apart from it's peers. Precinct's strategy includes;
    - Sector specialist in CBD based real estate
    - Being expert in it's field - a consequence of being sector specialists
    - Establishing long term business partnerships with occupiers
    - Creating its own assets through development activities which improve the
    Portfolio and retain clients.
    To help deliver on our strategy we have strengthened our executive team with
    three recent appointments.  We welcomed Davida Dunphy as the new General
    Counsel and Company Secretary, Kym Bunting as the new General Manager of
    Property and Andrew Buckingham to the newly created role of General Manager
    of Development. Andrews's involvement with the development of Sylvia Park and
    the recently completed ASB building located at Wynyard Quarter will be
    valuable as we look to execute on Downtown and Wynyard Central. I will talk
    shortly about these projects but before I do I would like to cover the year
    just gone.
    Key metrics
    As always, the numbers tell much of the story. And the ones you see on this
    slide confirm it has been another good year.
    At 98%, occupancy is well above our historical average of 96.5%.  We signed
    57,000 square metres in 61 deals. As evidenced by this chart we have now seen
    occupancy increase steadily over the past 5 years.
    Our weighted average lease term remains strong at 5.4 years. We expect that
    this will likely reduce further in the short term before once again extending
    out following the commencement of our development activities at Wynyard,
    Bowen and Downtown.
    Operational Update
     Occupancy within the Wellington portfolio has remained strong and is
    currently around 97%. We experienced an increase in enquiry levels which led
    to a number of new leasing deals.
    During the year we completed extensive upgrades of 80 The Terrace and the
    former Central City Police Station in Wellington. 80 The Terrace has now been
    completely repositioned and the success of this refurbishment project has led
    to the building being almost fully leased. Works at the former Central City
    Police Station have seen the buildings seismic rating improve significantly.
    These gains reflected a tightening market which benefitted our portfolio,
    with "A" grade vacancies in the city falling from 4% last year to around 2%.
    In Auckland we have seen a further increase in demand for space, particularly
    in prime and A-grade buildings. Following further success in our Auckland
    portfolio we are now around 99% occupied.
    Most pleasingly, we are now seeing strong growth in passing rents when new
    leases or renewal options are exercised. Again on our rent review program, we
    have completed reviews across about a third of the portfolio and have settled
    those reviews at 3.5% above valuation.
    Overview of Key Events
    This slide takes us to some of the key events over the year.
    We were pleased to enter into a development agreement with Waterfront
    Auckland to develop commercial office property at Wynyard Central.
    In progressing towards the planned Downtown project in Auckland we advanced
    negotiations with Auckland Council on coordinating the timing of works with
    building a City Rail Link tunnel at the site and the conditional sale of
    Queen Elizabeth Square.
    And since balance date we were pleased to be advised that Bowen Campus, and
    our other assets at 1 -3 The Terrace, Pastoral House and Mayfair, have been
    shortlisted by the Crown as part of the Wellington office accommodation
    There are no guarantees of the outcome, but we see this as an encouraging
    Wynyard Central Opportunity
     The area shown on this slide shows the 1.1 hectare site we will be
    developing at Wynyard Central.
    This will be part of one of the largest urban regenerations in the country,
    and we are partnering with Waterfront Auckland who have already invested
    considerably in this undertaking.
    The picture gives you an idea of the way business activity in the city is
    increasingly following a new east-west axis on the waterfront, rather than up
    and down Queen Street. We believe this waterfront axis will become
    increasingly important as both private and public investment is made in the
    Wynyard Central
     Wynyard is also highly attractive because of the structure of our
    arrangement with Waterfront Auckland and because it allows us to offer a type
    of space that we have never been able to provide before. As here we will be
    catering to clients in high-growth tech businesses or those seeking larger
    floor plates.
    Development is planned over four stages. Land will be drawn at each stage.
    Importantly what this means is that we will pay for land on a stage by stage
    basis and only once we have de-risked the development through pre-leasing.
    Development work also won't begin until we are comfortable with the level of
    occupancy pre-commitment.
    This structure encourages a strong partnership between ourselves and
    Waterfront Auckland.
    We are currently planning on beginning work at Wynyard Central in 2015 with
    the commencement of stage one. This stage will consist of a new build and the
    refurbishment of an adjoining character building. We are looking forward to
    beginning this stage and excited by the sites potential for the future.
    Bowen Campus
     Made up of the Bowen State and Charles Fergusson buildings, Bowen Campus
    also offers a unique position.
    The site occupies approximately one hectare right next to Parliament and the
    Beehive, with 30,000 square metres of net lettable area and resource consent
    for 60,000 square metres of office space.
    We bought the campus in 2012 for $50 million; it has been almost entirely
    occupied by the Ministry of Social Development, whose lease has been extended
    to October 2016. At expiry of this lease the property, which has a passing
    yield of around 12%, would have generated around $25 million in net property
    As I've mentioned, we are encouraged that Bowen has been shortlisted as part
    of the Crown's Wellington office accommodation project.
    We entered into this RFP process about this time last year. It has been a big
    undertaking for the Government and for ourselves. We expect to know its
    outcome by the end of this calendar year.
    Downtown Project
    The Downtown project In Auckland provides another exceptional opportunity.
    Collectively, Zurich House, the Downtown Shopping Centre, the AMP Centre,
    HSBC building and the PwC Tower give us a unique two-hectare land holding on
    the waterfront.
    We have always known that what we have managed to secure is an incredible
    opportunity. However the unique nature of the project has become more
    apparent the past 6-12 months. The process of engaging international and
    local architects and exploring the potential for the site has highlighted
    that this site is truly unique.
    We know of no other entity that owns such a prestigious position in the
    centre of the county's biggest city on the waterfront. The fact the site
    incorporates public transport, retail space and office space and is located
    in one of Auckland's key tourism precincts is also unique.
    We are determined and excited about delivering something special for
    shareholders and also for Aucklander's.
    As this slide shows, the Downtown area also stands to benefit from broader
    change and growth across Auckland.
    The number of CBD office workers and inner city residents are forecast to
    increase significantly over the coming years. This growth is built on the
    back of a strong Auckland economy and increasing population growth. We
    anticipate that the downtown precinct will benefit from this growth as the
    core CBD continues to shift to the waterfront.
    The addition of the city rail link will further enhance the site and connect
    the precinct with more Aucklanders including the projects main trade area of
    some 160,000 residents.
    The households that make up this main trade area are some of the country's
    most affluent. This catchment coupled with the adjacent cruise ship terminal
    make the site a compelling retail offering with 160,000 cruise passengers
    arriving or departing annually right next to the new development.
    Master planning & Next Steps
    The master plan has been a starting point for shaping the entire project. Our
    vision is to restore the precinct as the heart of the Auckland CBD. We also
    want it to have a distinctively Auckland feel.
    We are very pleased with the project's concept designs and look forward to
    sharing these with you and Aucklanders soon.
    As I've mentioned, we are also working to confirm arrangements with the
    Council and Auckland Transport soon on the CRL rail tunnel and Queen
    Elizabeth Square.
    Another big step will be the conversations we will have securing
    pre-commitments from clients as we go into 2015.
    Sales Programme
    We are progressing with our asset sales programme of selling non-core assets
    to recycle funds into development opportunities.
    We have recently placed 80 The Terrace - an asset in Wellington - onto the
    market and have been working with a number of buyers to sell SAP Tower in
    We remain committed to selling assets from the existing portfolio to fund the
    new developments.
    Market Outlook
    Auckland's CBD market shows every sign of continued strength where financial,
    professional and administrative services are driving demand. Vacancy levels
    for prime and A-grade office have reduced from around 6% a year ago to just
    Most research houses now forecast Auckland rental growth at 4% to 7% each
    year in the next two years. Not surprisingly, we have witnessed valuation
    Investors, both domestic and from offshore, are also recognizing the strength
    of the market in Auckland which has led to further compression in cap rates.
    The Wellington market remains in good shape following a number of years with
    little or no growth, and has very little vacancy as occupiers have targeted
    prime and A-grade buildings.
    The trend towards seismically strong and well located properties has helped
    us lease all vacant space within State Insurance Tower, and all but one floor
    in 80 The Terrace. We also see signs of rental growth from the Wellington
    market as the number of CBD based workers begins to rise.
    We agree with research houses now forecasting growth of between 1% and 4%
    over the next few years in Wellington.
     We look forward to the new year ahead. We are operating in strong markets
    where Wellington is improving and Auckland is showing strong gains.
    Over the next two years we will progress our sales programme to remain in a
    strong financial position. We will keep a primary focus on operational
    performance to keep after-tax earnings and dividends at current levels, while
    we reduce our debt levels.
    We expect to achieve earnings of 6.2 cents per share in 2015 before
    performance fees.
    Looking further to the future, we look forward to the new use of our capital
    bringing solid earnings and growth.
    Thank you. I will now hand you back to Craig.
    End CA:00257375 For:PCT    Type:ADDRESS    Time:2014-11-07 09:46:28
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