paris, moscow and berlin unite against iraq war, page-8

  1. 2,061 Posts.
    Listen here Herpes or Hamas or whatever, take that dishrag of your head and shove it as far as your Arab koit will take it.
    You filthy little Muslim! You come on this site and profer us with the benefit of your unholy, biased & barbaric Islamic bullsh!t after your filthy little brothers kill 88 Australians?
    Go clean toilets you misfit and pray every day to that evil little god of yours (having read the Koran, my conclusion is that he was anal retentive) that you be allowed to stay in this lucky country...but only if you stand on your head and walk backwards along the main strip of Auburn, begging forgiveness from every Aussie you pass.

    nq...oh! and then you have to buy a Big Mac from Macdonalds ona stick it in your ear.
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