Misleading? LEFT BEHIND: 18 million Aussies want it but the PM says no, page-5

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Without wanting to be argumentative about it, there are a couple of questions that need asking;

    1. During a Victorian heatwave last year, the wind dropped to a low level, as often happens extreme heat events. The result was that on the biggest demand day of the year, wind farm output fell to low single digit percentage.   

    2. "Now we can store energy for days and even weeks and use when it is most needed.”
    Really, I must have missed that amazing technological development.

    I do think renewables will come and 100 years from now, power sources will be beyond anything we can dream of now. But for now technology nature takes it course, being a balance between cost and benefit. Any attempt to force the issue will have a high cost.
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