The “unbiased” ABC. Today’s roundup

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    The “unbiased” ABC. Today’s roundup

    Boat people:
    Fran Kelly on Radio National Breakfast plays an ad created by activists to protest against children in detention. She and commentator Michelle Grattan then discuss how harsh the government is. No mentio is made of Labor actually luring 1200 men, women and children to their deaths with their “compassion”.
    The Left agenda:
    Radio National Breakfast today plays an ad for refugee activists, gives a soft interview to Aboriginal leader Mick Gooda, interviews fellow Leftist Michelle Grattan and gives free run to the Greens Sarah Hanson-Young on asylum seekers.
    Global warming:

    A landmark deal! ABC1’s Insiders, Sunday:

    TONY Jones, ABC Lateline presenter: the US and China have made a landmark joint announcement on reducing carbon emissions.

    Stephen McDonell, ABC reporter: Putting pressure on countries like Australia to follow suit.
    Mark Simkin, ABC Reporter: China’s vowed its greenhouse gas emissions will peak in 2030 at the latest…
    2030 peak in emissions predicted in 2011. China’s Energy and Carbon Emissions Outlook to 2050, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, April 2011:
    THE findings from this research suggest that ... (China’s CO2 emissions will peak around 2030) because saturation in ownership of appliances, construction of residential and commercial floor area, roadways, railways, fertiliser use, and urbanisation will peak around 2030 with slowing population growth.

    Asylum seekers:
    AM today reports on the Government’s decision to cut the number of refugees it accepts from Indonesia as part of the effort to stop the boats. The first person interviewed is the Greens leader, Christine Milne. The second is a refugee activist. The third quoted is a Labor spokesman.
    Global warming:
    Lateline confuses China’s emissions of invisible and essentially harmless carbon dioxide with the sooty, sulphurous smoke it’s really trying to abate (and which actually limit warming):
    EMMA ALBERICI, PRESENTER: China’s ailing steel industry is pleading for help as the sector struggles amidst falling prices and stronger environmental standards. The future of this heavy polluting sector looks even darker as the country’s president, Xi Jinping, wants China to limit carbon emission rises....
    HUEY FERN TAY, REPORTER: ...The nation’s president, Xi Jinping, wants a cleaner country and recently announced greenhouse gas emissions would peak around 2030. .. The new order of the day has strong implications for big polluters… At a recent conference on the path of China’s energy transition, an industry representative put a figure on what it would take to comply with tougher environmental standards.
    HUANG DO, CHINA IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (translated): Installing the equipment to reduce sulfur dioxide from emissions and making the levels of smoke and dust meet the new standards will cost at least US $10 billion.

    Boat people:
    The Government announces it will cut the number of refugees we take from Indonesia. The only person Latelineinterviews is a lawyer who represents asylum seekers.
    Lateline’s web page seems to suggest Palestinians were murdered by ... well, unidentified killers. Either that, or the two Palestinian jihadists were themselves victims:

    And the LNP wonder why Shorten is more popular than Abbott, when the ABC uses it's $1.2billion taxpayer funds as a Labor/Green propaganda machine against the LNP. When will the LNP return the balance to the ABC as written in the ABC charter, or if that fails shut the ABC down!
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