Kevin Rudd advising Julie Bishop, page-8

  1. 43,263 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    No worries, I always provide my opinion, others rely on repeated links to left-wing websites, but I prefer opinion.
    Julie Bishop has indeed benefitted from the hundreds of millions Rudd spent ingratiating himself in order to boost his self-importance with global leaders. Bishop and Abbot have let the world come to them instead and gained massive benefit from the world leaders graciously addressing parliament on the great friendships and mutual benefits the Uk, India and China share with Australia. I believe a lame-duck spoke to some kids as well. Says a lot for Obama's lack of grace and abundance of self-importance that he would ignore the advice of his embassy staff and attempt to stymie Australia's coal exports to the benefit of the USA coal exports. No wonder he got so severely beaten at the most recent US elections.
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