Catherine King's position is untenable. She must resign., page-9

  1. 4,306 Posts.
    100% correct H. I will help you out - try this one: Enjoy the read:

    Does the saying "Pot calling kettle black" ring a bell!

    Hope you have the same confected rage.

    THE Coalition used a controversial grants program to make a flurry of election-eve handouts and has funnelled millions of dollars into projects in marginal seats against departmental advice, an audit has found. A scathing report on the Regional Partnerships Program by the Australian National Audit Office outlines a litany of grants made without proper paperwork or explanation, including many that were fast-tracked just before the last election. It found:
    ■ The 10 electorates that received the most funding were all held by the Coalition.
    ■ 55 per cent of 2004 election commitments went to marginal electorates.
    ■ Of 43 projects that were approved despite the department not recommending to proceed, 38 were in Coalition seats.
    ■ In a 51-minute spending spree in the hours before the government went into caretaker mode in 2004, the parliamentary secretary responsible for the program, De-Anne Kelly, approved 16 grants worth $3.349 million.

    A long-serving official in the auditor's office told the Herald yesterday: "This is the worst thing I have ever seen." The audit found the three ministers overseeing the program were more likely to approve grants that were not recommended by the Department of Transport and Regional Services if they went to projects in Coalition seats. Projects that were recommended by the department were more likely to be knocked back if they were in Labor seats. It found nine occasions when ministers approved funding before the department had approved the applications or, in some cases, received them. The Prime Minister, John Howard, approved $845,000 for a tourist railway in Western Australia in 2004. After the announcement was made the department was asked by the office of the minister for transport, Mark Vaile, to "initiate a funding platform for the project". Four days after the first payment of $517,000, bushfires destroyed the railway. The program, set up in 2003, was intended to encourage regional growth and has recommended $410 million in discretionary grants. But the funding process attracted instant accusations of pork-barrelling because the grants were not disbursed by the department but by the then leader of the National Party, John Anderson, who was the minister for transport and regional services. After Mr Anderson resigned in 2005 his successor, Warren Truss, set up a three-person committee to oversee the grants: himself, the local government minister and the Prime Minister's parliamentary secretary But the audit found the department was still sidelined and the ministerial committee has been more likely to overrule departmental recommendations. The committee has made grants without explaining how they were an "efficient and effective use of public money … This leaves uncertainty as to the basis of decisions to provide a grant." Mr Vaile, now the National Party leader, defended the program, saying it had delivered "fantastic outcomes to regional Australia". "I don't apologise for it - not for one minute," he said. "The Labor Party will attack us, but they never cared enough for regional Australia to establish a program like this." Mr Vaile said the Government would implement the audit's recommendations and had overhauled the program in 2005. The audit found some of those changes - such as the three-person committee - had not led to a more transparent or depoliticised funding process. Mr Howard said he had not read the report but suggested the program had favoured Coalition seats because it held the vast majority of regional electorates. The Opposition Leader, Kevin Rudd said yesterday: "This is a stunning report into a government which has become arrogant and out of touch in its use of taxpayer dollars." Among the grants highlighted by the report was one of $500,000 to Cairns Mushrooms in the Queensland seat of Leichhardt, held by the Liberals. It was approved in November 2004 despite the department's advice that, "It does not represent value for money … There are significant concerns about the project viability." A grant for the same amount was approved in June 2005 for Country Homes and Cabins in the Nationals seat of Maranoa, Queensland. The department had recommended it not be approved because the project was "high risk" and not likely to be sustainable. Another project approved without following relevant procedures was a $1.1 million grant for an ethanol plant in Gunnedah, home to Mr Anderson. The department had advised that the project did not meet funding guidelines and would not be self-sustaining.
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