america lost the war in iraq. , page-2

  1. 4,788 Posts.
    re: america wont cut and run Bin Ladin is a Democrat

    Evan Sayet

    Monday 30 January 2006

    It is not surprising that, just as with his last tape, Osama Bin Ladin is repeating the Democrat party's talking points on the war against Is lamic fascism. Cut and run is not just Jack Murtha's political stance, it is the terrorists' only hope.

    It is not surprising because, frankly, the Democrats and Osama are on the same side. And they are equally desperate.

    The terrorists could have no better friend than Jack Murtha and Cindy Sheehan, no better accomplice than the New York Times who tips off the enemy with America's military secrets and no better long-term strategist than Hillary Rodham Clinton who seeks to divide and then conquer America by creating racial hatreds and class warfare in America.

    It is not a coincidence that the man who said that he hates the majority of the Americans who make up five out of every six counties in America (Republicans), has called for the imprisonment of Republicans without benefit of trial or even charge, but is "reserving judgment" on Osama Bin Ladin was made the very chairman of the Democrat party.

    Nor is it a coincidence that, while the Democrats embrace lunatics who spew anti-American lies about the war, everyone from Cindy Sheehan to the treasonous John Kerry, they have now targeted for defeat Joe Lieberman, the man who just four years ago they swore to us was the second best Democrat in the entire country.

    It is not surprising to find a spate of anti-American movies coming out of Hollywood just at a time when we are at war against the most heinous and vicious enemy since the Nazis (and perhaps ever). Just as "the greatest generation" loved America and used their art and skills to promote our efforts in World War II, the folks on the left coast who hate America are using THEIR "art" and "skill" to make lie-filled, anti-American, pro-Is lamic terrorist movies like the J ew-hating-Marxist-penned Munich, and the virulently anti-American offerings of the spoiled brat and naive George Clooney's Syriana.

    At every turn the Democrats have lied about, slandered and sought to undermine and betray America in its war against I slamic fascist mass murderers. No wonder Osama Bin Ladin chose to merely read from one of their scripts.

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