What is needed from Australian Muslims, page-8

  1. 3,492 Posts.
    IMHO if it were not for the likes of SHY and the Human Rights Ambulance Chasers the Muslims in this country would be quite happy to go about their business. But once the tendency of a minority of Muslims towards paranoid victim hood was nurtured and tendered by the pathetic Left and their misanthropic brethren the Greens, it was on for young and old.

    These jokers shifted their frustrated, juvenile hatred of their own culture onto the lost and willing ears of any Muslim that was willing to hear. I am not saying Islam does not have serious and major issues but things are made worse here by these enablers of grievance and angst, the so called human rights lawyers, clueless Green politicians and soulless mainstream politicians that only care about votes. IMO, day by day we make things worse in this country.
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