Ms. Wong, page-123

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    what this has to do with the price of eggs is anyone's guess!

    I am me - my ancestors were "them".

    One of my great ancestor/grandmas was Head Laundress for Queen Victoria - came out to OZ - didn't like it, and went back - realised her mistake - and came back out again. Other ancestors arrived via Adelaide - in the very early 1850's. Soe went to Sydney. Others ended up owning a pub in the Victorian goldrush - (probably under canvas - but it had a "ballroom" - an orchestra every night) - servicing the Victorian goldfields. Friends of Burke - Burke and Wills fame.

    Does this make me "better" - or having more valid opinions? No matter my race? Don't think so. And I have Sri Lankan close relatives - and resultant blood relatives. Other in-law relatives from various European countries.

    Sick of this "Poor little me - look how well I turned out seeing I'm Asian" race card! Now it's being played on here. Thank God my lot don't stoop to play it for some remote advantage. Far too much self respect and class. (And yes, they have suffered racial abuse, over the years. They grin - and get on with it.)

    IMO, Ms. Wong is a totally destructive and spitefully negative constantly self-promotive politician, I allege. I also allege she's all talk and no consequence. Say it's black - and she says - no, you liars, it's white.
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