Culturalism : Xenophobia., page-6

  1. 2,904 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    Good post. I don't know whether these countries will become Islamic states, but it is clear that the influence of Islam will rise and rise in these nations.

    I know in Germany, the Pegida protesters aren't some resurgent nazis or disenchanted youth. They are mostly ordinary citizens who are concerned about the country's unlimited migration intake and the rising influence of Islam in particular. Local and national leftist and Green parties already contain manyMuslim members and mosques are being built around the country. But the pro-migration lobby opnely labels these concerned mums and dads 'nazis' and does everything to undermine their concerns and portray them as stupid.

    I think no-one has a problem in accepting genuine refugees, neither here not in Germany. What they do have a problem with is taking in vast numbers of people who have historically shown a strong unwillingness to assimilate.
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