Where are the jobs!!, page-26

  1. 3,442 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    As said in my previous comment this article shows how great(NOT) a free trade agreement is.

    Australia, Japan free trade deal beginsUpdated: 6:21 am, Thursday, 15 January 2015

    Some Australian products imported to Japan will receive preferential or duty free access from Thursday when a free trade agreement between the two countries begins. High beef tariffs will drop by about a fifth and other goods including prawns, lobsters, asparagus, cherries, grapes, macadamia nuts and almonds will no longer be subject to duty, trade minister Andrew Robb said.Japanese cars, electronics and white goods will be cheaper in Australia under the deal.'We've already begun to see the benefits to Australian consumers of cheaper Japanese cars, with three manufactures reducing the cost of family-sized cars by up to $2600, with savings of up to $7600 for higher-end models,' Mr Robb said.Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the deal, known as the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA), was the 'most significant bilateral economic agreement' made in more than 50 years.'The prime ministers look forward to Australian and Japanese businesses working together to make the most of the opportunities provided by JAEPA,' they said in a joint statement. - See more at: http://www.skynews.com.au/business/...e-trade-deal-begins.html#sthash.ZAriizYj.dpuf

    But of course this free trade deal is good for japan more so.
    1/ It keeps that connection that has been there for decades in the diplomatic and ally forum that I suspect that the Japanese believe that its relevance in the pacific would decline because of China.

    2/Aging population in Japan equates to less younger ones interested busting their backs in a paddy field and that's if there is one that hasn't been contaminated by the tsunami back in 2004

    3/ WOW,look how much you save on a car ---- better look how much it is going to cost in unemployment benefits in Australia,not only in the production but all the small companies that are indirectly affected

    4/ the seafood prawns, crayfish not lobster won't have tariffs, sounds like Fukashima and the giant jelly fish have helped the Japanese come to that decision,we could go and sell the Thai prawns that we import here

    5/The beef tariff? still there!,come on Japan your Wagyu cattle were wiped out with foot and mouth several years ago or are you scared that you may offend your big brother USA?

    Better idea is tell everybody in Australia to stay home and go broke reading the paper instead of going to work and going broke. LOL

    This country is absolutely ripe for picking and foreigners are having a field day and the law and govt. institutions are allowing it ,which means me and about half of the population that votes them in.

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