Ladders, go back to where you come from., page-28

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    You'd be surprised how many men's wives get them to paint the house on retirement from the workforce. The idea is good (for the wife) as it gets the man out 'from under her feet' and onto a long term project. Unfortunately these men aren't so agile as they once were and have a preponderance for falling off. Molly Meldrum is a case in point and he was one of the lucky ones.

    Simply being aware of the risks as one ages is probably the best preventive to accidents.

    Terrorism on the other hand is, by design, something which can occur when one least expects it, is something one cannot generally prevent happening and with devastating outcomes for those caught in their web. It is designed to instill fear and loathing. It represents violence of the tenth degree and no one in their right mind would ever wish to encounter such an experience.

    The current crop of terrorists always seem to aim their destruction against ordinary people which is cowardly. Perhaps it is just that they are unable to break through the lines of security guarding the uber-elite in their ivory towers, although if it were true that some men, whose skills flying a Cessna were highly questionable, managed to hijack a number of jet aircraft using Stanley knives and fly them into landmarks which professional aviators say they themselves couldn't do, then anything should be possible for the terrorists. The question is then, why have they never targeted a major public figure who actually wields earthly power or destroyed a target that leads to real and long lasting devastation. Why not bomb the Federal Reserve or a nuclear power plant? No, they see it as more useful to their purposes to bomb people working low paying jobs, going to work on public transport or on holiday. The only purpose seems to be instilling fear and who stands to gain the most from that? What is in it for these terrorists and how does it help their impossible and ridiculously naive goal of a worldwide takeover and conversion to their particular sect of Islam? You don't gain adherents at the point of a gun.
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