ATH 33.3% 1.2¢ alterity therapeutics limited

Ann: FDA End-of Phase 2 Status Update, page-29

  1. 1,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 161
    Having held this stock on off for a long time, Imfor me personally I do find the lack of communication flow with shareholders is problematic. Compare this with other companies out (NRT as an example) you have constant information and updates about what they are up to and what progress they have made. Prana is a long wait for months at a time for any scrap of information. At the AGM teleconference they said they would release a transcript or publish the recording however if they have I haven't seen it.
    This announcement should have an investor briefing associated with it to more clearly explain what is happening. The message I read is "don't worry you don't need to know what we are doing with the money you have invested."
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