miles an honest question, page-2

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re: snooker Snooker

    I have not got time for an in depth reply to your questions but I will give a brief geneal reply so before you try and pick it to pieces just bear in mind it is only a general reply

    You asked

    1. Think that ALL Zionist are automatically, scum?

    2. Some Zionists are and that others are not?

    3. How do you as a gentile differentiate between a Zionist and a Jew?

    I will answer your last question first - A jew is a person who has jewish parents or has adopted the jewish religion and practices the religion in other words a person of jewish faith. A zionist is a person normally of jewish faith who for want of a better word politicies the religion.

    As far as all zionists being scum - I see anyone as scum who has extreme religious views and uses their religion to justify their actions especially when "non believers" are the victims of those actions.

    By the way to remove a person from ignore got to favourites above to the right under the banner add, click on here and it will bring up a list of favorites and those on ignore, you then have the option to remove that person.
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