ONE Hydrogen Atom, page-64

  1. 17,271 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 479
    geez, Wafflehead that's a hard question. It's been a bit of this and a bit of that followed by long meditative walks where I had many epiphanies of my own. My interests include
    a lot of new age stuff (this is a guilty pleasure)
    sacred texts including the bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras, the Tao Te Ching and the Sefer Yetzirah.

    I also have watched many videos on relativity and quantum physics and M theory. I got a bit interested in the side projects of some physicists who got into far out mind William Tiller and Hal Puthoff. Puthoff's work was the real life inspiration for the comedy movie "The Men Who Stare at Goats".....but the CIA weren't laughing the day they came to his door to recruit him into the remote viewing program. He has a couple of interesting talks online.

    And of course there was Jungian psychology. I haven't read any book cover to cover on Jung but have read many short articles

    of course when you have studied all this and come back and look at, say, the bible with fresh eyes you can no longer accept any of the traditional interpretations. A simple line like "The kingdom of heaven is within you" changes everything. I am not interested in arguments about a God who is somehow separate from me or you who sits in his heaven choosing whosoever he will knock out with lightning bolts. Suddenly all those Hippy buzz phrases like "we are all connected" start to make actual sense.

    It's amazing what you discover along the way. Heisenburg in his study of quantum physics and Carl Jung in formulating his theories in psychology and Nikola Tesla with his inventions were all heavily influenced by Hindu thinking which in turn is inspired by their sacred texts. Somehow these guys were able to see past the poetry of the writings in order to catch a glimpse of a deeper truth. I don't think I can over emphasize this point. It was their lead that taught me to look through the poetry to find glimpses of ultimate truth hidden within the texts.
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