IMS 0.00% 69.0¢ impelus limited

Ann: Response to Price Query Letter, page-11

  1. 1,434 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    Pods, I'm hoping the $30.8 mil is conservative with $33-34 mil possible thanks to games subscriptions over 60,000? and additional advertising thanks to their notable increase in expenses to secure the increase in ad revenue.

    They need to deliver around $5 mil of profit and next FY it will be a different ball game with profit likely to be well over the $8.9 mil projected IMO. And hopefully a 1/2c dividend to put a rocket under the SP sending it into Carsales and REA early territory as a digital profit machine with ongoing EPS growth and zero debt.

    The US will be the icing on the cake if they can land some of those mega carriers in addition to the SinTel/Nortel Asian regions, ie Malaysia, Thailand etc
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