Australia - a hypocritical nation

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Ai am getting very tired of what we are becoming. Indonesia and the rest of the world must think we are a joke .

    - we call the indo gov barbaric and insult them at every opportunity for their stance on the death penalty. HOWEVER, our PM at the time and media publicly support the executions of the Bali Bombera . No mention of a "barbaric nation" a "barbaric law" then. Actually, I would imagine a poll would have a vast majority agreeing they deserved to be executed.

    - we condemn indo for their tough laws. BUT our laws say that it is better for a man to rape a child than a grown woman.

    - we think our "aid" shoukd buy us immunity or preferential treatment under our laws basically saying that if u come from a poor country like the Phillipines, that's your bad luck.

    - there was public hysteria and accusations of "fear mongering" by large parts of our society when our gov warned of terror threats on our soil. BUT, no one complains, actually it is expected, for our gov to warn our citizens of any threats when the travel abroad eg. Phillipines, Thailand etc

    - every paper, TV channel do "feel good" stories on the Bali 2 while 350 kids die a week in indo of drugs and our very own families in Australia lose kids every day to drugs.

    - over 1,000 kids die at sea on boats and our gov his HEAVILY criticised by the abc, labor, the left, greens when our gov turns back the boats claiming "it will hurt our international relationship with Indonesia". But when 2 convicted drug smugglers are about to be executed, all of a sudden many/most of this group don't give a stuff about our indo relationship.

    - over 100 die at a university for their Christian values. But instead of the ACU seeing the "obvious" and awarding a "university " (hint hint ACU u are a uni and the kids were killed at uni ) scholarship to make people aware of "the sanctity of life" as they claim, they "honour" the names of two drug traffickers instead of 100+ young innocent men and women who were doing the best they could do to improve themselves.

    - in the week of the executions, the 19th anniversary of the port Arthur massacre and the 40 year anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war occured while people continued to die in Napal. BUT, the nightly ONE HOUR news never mentioned Vietnam where tens of thousands of innocent lives and Australia soldiers died NOR did many people as the Bali 2 obviously "deserved" more compassion/attention. I doubt many even realised the significant events as they are just puppets to the media.

    Yep, we are def a nation full of hypocrits . It's embarrassing being an Australian at the moment.
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