BHP gives Barnett the finger, page-49

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8621
    "Yes there is.....a low iron ore price is stopping new entrants."

    So let me make sure I understand you. You want BHP and RIO to cut output so that the iron ore price can rise so that new entrants can get into the industry and add capacity instead?

    What branch of economic theory does that proposal stem?

    [How does it go? "LOL"? Is that how I say it?]

    "Because they are profitable......LOL. ...... choke cough clear that explains why the dominant global player thats over a century old sits on a share price of $30.00........LOL......yep real profitable, a bit like apple."

    So are you saying that I am wrong and that BHP's iron ore business is - in fact - not profitable?
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