welcome for us troops., page-53

  1. 757 Posts.
    Hi Full Guy,
    How do we know, what is the truth these days but the fact that there is so much opposition to this war, suggests that the US motive is far from being based on humanitarian grounds.
    Have a look at the article below.



    2nd April 2003 -

    Christian-Zionist alliance carves up the Arab lands

    For fifty years the Zionists have occupied Palestinian lands and for more than 35 years the territory of Syria, Jordan and Egypt, while for long periods it maintained a military occupation of Southern Lebanon. Now the Arab nations must watch powerlessly as Israel's main supporter buys the unprincipled little Gulf Sheikdoms, bullies Saudi Arabia and invades Iraq. Egypt and the North African countries have been sidelined as much by their own lack of cohesion as by Washington's diplomatic offensive and both Syria and Iran are paralyzed with fear that they will be next on the target list. This now appears to be a very widely held view amongst the Arab masses, and perhaps more significantly there is a resigned acceptance that Arab Governments are incapable or unwilling to challenge this new threat to their ancient homelands, traditions and independence.

    To the majority of Muslims firmly committed to peace, prosperity and a better future for their children the thought of endless conflict is appalling. This said it is also being made quite clear to AFI Research by many Arab individuals and groups that they can no longer tolerate the humiliation and dishonour that they feel at their inability to either regain the lands lost to Israel or defend themselves against present American expansionist policies. The mood amongst middle ranking military and security personnel is particularly bitter and is a potential tinderbox for both their own Governments and Western interests throughout the region. Many in the business and professional communities rather surprisingly see little or no benefit to themselves or their nations economies from a growing US involvement in their affairs. Quite the reverse in fact as a significant proportion see themselves as mere supplicants looking from crumbs from their new imperial masters table.

    There is a legacy of growing hatred of the US and Britain

    Most disturbing however is the ground swell of openly expressed hatred of the United States and Britain amongst both religious and secular groups for what is widely perceived as a display of an arrogant disregard of Arab sovereignty, history and dignity. This is quite definitely being channelled into an enormous upsurge in monetary, physical and moral support for those who still appear capable of fighting back. Terrorist movements, freedom fighters or 'Gods Chosen ones', call them what they will, these groups are seen as the only Islamic option that can still strike fear in Washington and London. President Mubarak may have been underestimating the long term effect of the new Christian-Zionist crusade on the region when he claimed it would create a hundred new Bin Ladens. Al Qa'ida is and always was a grossly overrated organization. But it has been a useful media hype for the coverage of a far wider and more deadly Islamic movement controlled by Syria and Iran; financed by leading Saudi's and dissident Sheiks in the Gulf States and recruiting from many areas including Pakistan, Chechnya, Kosovo, Indonesia and the Muslim communities in the major Western nations.

    These are the groups that will gain enormously from Iraq's defeat. For to many in the Middle East, Saddam represents an Arab leader who has taken on the might of the worlds only superpower and fought with honour against overwhelming odds. America has managed to turn the tyrant of Baghdad into a potential Islamic hero for generations to come. All the propaganda that will pour forth from Washington and London in the aftermath of war will only serve to further convince those who were already believers and will in all probability fail to persuade anyone else of the justice of this war. America can and will achieve military dominance over the next couple of weeks, but what a pyrrhic victory it may turn out to be for both President Bush and Prime Minister Blair. The long term interests and security of the West and the United States in particular, will eventually be seen to have been gravely damaged by this war, but only once the euphoria and political posturing of victory over a relatively weak third world country has finally subsided. It is still a historical truth that 'in the long run meddlers in the Middle East only found trouble for their pains'. Washington is about to find out that this is likely to be their allotted fate as well.

    Richard M. Bennett

    Richard Bennett Media. [email protected] Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 1626 33 50 40


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