IMM 1.43% 34.5¢ immutep limited

J P Morgan becoming substantial holder, page-38

  1. 15,093 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8265
    Hi Gracie,

    No need to buy high, as this will be driven a lot lower and regardless of any future CR price, SP will always retrace to match. No one misses out if wanted.
    By the way, the graphite preso today certainly had the best business case and sound funnymentals. The reason Stuart was swarmed after the event was because he didn't answer anything, yes he won the crowd with wit but offered little substance regarding processes going forward. I bet the swarm was discussing the topic I asked about during the preso.
    I did like the way he explained exactly what is the treatment they hope to produce.
    Other items to come out of it was that it appears CVac is dead and all efforts are towards Lag3.

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34.5¢ 35.0¢ 33.3¢ $570.8K 1.669M

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