@Jeans-sammy ,
what you say here confirms what was said ,
' you have a good nose for companies with promising future ',
Great to have you and many more like you here
keep it up, and keep talking sense.
-Has global corporate connections, esp oil & gas industries and commodities.
-Owns a few millions Lwp shares
-Is making JV and investors networking for Lwp
-Helped Lng, Ajx, Fmg grow from obscurity to fame in Asx; their Mkt Caps
typically made highest percentage (%) gain in first 3-6 months of Eddie’s involvement
Mkt Cap of Lwp atm is
1.1c x 2.14 Bn, on 5-6-2015
Compared to
MC of Lwp USA Competitors , *09 June, 2015
(aka vontrader-proppant-index)