Greece - Whose fault?

  1. 25,562 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    There has been a lot written about the lazy Greek people who have been so indolent and self indulgent that they caused the financial problems in Greece

    But IMHO from all that I have read it seems to me that the problems in Greece are the same as the financial problems everywhere else

    Politicians, bureaucrats and banks have no concept of financial matters, the main one being you cannot borrow more than you can repay and it is all very well to have dreams that your plans will produce a wonderful windfall of income but they are just dreams not reality.

    Put the blame where it belongs the so called leaders. Look at Cyprus for an example, the same problem the same cause, stupid administration

    Look at Australia, we have gone through the Labor Party spending money that they borrowed for school halls and unsafe insulation ETC and we now have Abbott spending huge sums on defense, in both cases Australia could have had better value for that money and if the Chinese market continues down we will be in the same problem as Greece begging at the door of the World Bank for handouts and then being in their clutches for ever

    Put the blame where it lays, at the door of the administration and the politicians who no longer represent the people
    Last edited by kingpins: 05/07/15
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