4 Corners paints muslims as victims, page-29

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    family coming back from France recently - said France and the French have had Muslims absolutely - had a gut full - up to pussy's bow! Some Parisian suburban streets now SO taken over by Muslim flocks - street prayers, gatherings, etc. one either can't venture down them - by car, or foot - nor would one want to. The atmosphere there, compared to past visits, so belligerent, strident and defiant - to non-Muslims. These people making NIl attmept to assimilate, or socially mix.

    This family well travelled and multi-cutural re. their own native cultural heritages themselves. Educated broad minded and tolerant. But their strong impression was - seems France is at an incendiary stage. Feel they have been invaded by an alien culture - their politicians too lenient in the past - and nothing they can do about it, now. Huge anger abounds, in Paris, today. And it's happening, world-wide.

    We had to laugh - when a few years back - some so-called "artist" brought out a work called "Piss Christ" - a star attraction freely displayed in our museums. Trendy critics called it "wonderful" and "amazing". If this had been a depiction of the Prophet Mohammed - all hell would have borken loose. And heads would have literally rolled, I allege. The staff of Charlie Hedbo - over their own satirising - were "just" gunned down in cold blood. And it's WE who are called infidels - insulted - and lumbered as red neck intolerant "racists?"

    The Muslim so-called "religion" seemingly engenders absolutely NIL sense of humor; it's adherents all po faced and deathly serious. And thereby lies more than half of the problem. But then, - what do we expect? When did any dictator or tyrant ever laugh at themselves - or show themselves capable of having a good old belly laugh. Islam is, IMO, a totally dictatorial "religion" - or, as I prefer to class it - preaches a joyless lack lustre life - dictated by total misogynists. Mohammed himself lived by the sword - ruled with the sword. Ordered the slaughter of Infidels.
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