Russia & China are getting along well, eh ...., page-22

  1. 9,046 Posts.
    You need to read more history books....Parts of their empires - were conquered without force - particularly for the British. The threat, and the existence of it, was enough for many smaller countries to cave in. You lost me on the Yanks bit....Managers...Leaders...Quick now - name someone who would have done better in the 20th century....

    But that said, I have lost respect for their political system - and I suggest so have the majority of Americans. I go there from time to time.... America has lost the plot. The plot was the US Constitution. And it gets trashed by a bought and paid for - Congress - and Presidents hand-picked for their compliance. In my opinion, the military should take over - take out the garbage at several levels - and reset the Constitution. Which is by far the best on the planet. This process is way overdue....
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