Rules for Pollie Perks

  1. 44,446 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Bronny has done the country a favour by exposing the ludicrous 'entitlements' which our politicians use to take our money.
    It is a logical step to have an independent body deciding on what is genuine political expenditure and what is not. In the spirit of pigs in troughs vs the trough we need some ground rules. All suggestions welcome, here's my starters:

    1) First reason, primary reason
    Weddings, for example, are planned well in advance. MPs visits less so. Therefore if you have receive a wedding invite and subsequently arrange a political visit then your first and primary reason for that travel is the wedding and therefore it is personal travel. The fact that you use the trip to visit a hospital/bowls club/overpass whatever just means that you make good use of your time, you still pay for the trip.

    2) No family members as 'staff'

    3) No air travel for distances less than 200km unless the only other option is a boat

    4) No bottles of wine over $100

    5) All expenditure to be on a publicly-accessible website

    6) No gifts over $200 to be accepted. Anything above that gets auctioned for a charity of the MP's choice

    Put aside the party-affiliation squabbles, what else should the rules be?
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