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  1. 1,858 Posts.
    They have not been sitting on their hands.

    Recent update........

    It has now been nearly twelve months since Solbec changed its name
    from Britannia Gold NL to Solbec Pharmaceuticals Ltd and its
    direction to pharmaceutical R&D. It has been an eventful period. In
    this time we have:

    * Completed five animal studies.

    * Treated over thirty patients with BEC(R) under the Specials Access

    * Completed a cohort of non-clinical studies.

    * Lodged patents and had a patent approved in Japan.

    * Shown BEC(R) to be active in over 100 tumour lines.

    * Presented BEC(R) scientific data over 15,000 researchers at the
    Worlds largest cancer conference in America.

    * Horticultural facility developed and over 2000 plants under

    * Moved premises.

    * Established and commissioned new laboratory facilities.

    * Launched the Web site.

    * Met with all key regulatory authorities in USA, Europe, UK and

    * Lodged Regulatory filings in Australia and New Zealand for Lawley's
    "Androfeme" testosterone cream.

    * Initiated three phase II/III clinical trials for Lawley products.

    * Completed one phase III clinical trial for Lawley products.

    * Determined therapeutic activity of DPXC against cancer cell lines.

    * Determined activity of DPX-01 against Herpes Simplex.

    The above summary is an outline only of the work undertaken and much
    additional development work is in progress.


    In April, the Managing Director and Regulatory and Clinical Manager,
    accompanied by our US Regulatory Specialist and a representative of
    our Canadian toxicology Group met with The United Dates Food and Drug
    Administration to discuss our proposed clinical and non-clinical
    program for the United States due to commence quarter three 2002.
    Solbec's proposal was very well received and generated positive
    discussions between Solbec and the FDA. It was also confirmed that
    BEC(R) would go through the fast track assessment program. We will
    now lodge documentation with the FDA seeking to have BEC(R)
    designated as an orphan drug. Solbec was very pleased with the
    outcomes achieved.

    In the first week of April, the largest Cancer Research Conference in
    the World was held in San Francisco, Solbec was delighted that a
    presentation on BEC(R) made the first day agenda of the conference.
    The presentation was given by Dr Robert Nagourney, a well respected
    Clinical Oncologist from California. Dr Nagourney has been working on
    BEC(R) for approximately nine months. During this time he has tested
    over 68 tumour types. The presentation detailed the results

    The highlights of the Nagourney presentation were:

    * BEC(R) was effective against all 68 tumours tested.

    * BEC(R) target tumours include melanoma, sarcoma, breast, and
    gastric intestinal tumours.

    * BEC(R) activity appears to correlate closely with taxol (worlds
    largest selling anti cancer drug ($3.0 billion/year).

    * BEC(R) potentates the activity of me other chemotherapeutic drugs
    by up to 32%.

    The presentation was well received and BEC(R) was introduced to an
    audience of over 15,000 researchers.

    The Managing Director has met with and is holding discussions with
    manufacturers in the US and Europe with regard to the manufacturing
    of BEC(R) formulations for international markets. These discussions
    are in the early stage.

    Solbec's Pharmaceuticals division moved to new premises in Osborne
    Park, Western Australia in January 2002. The premises were chosen to
    allow the development of a laboratory and manufacturing facility for
    BEC(R) extraction.

    The laboratory is now equipped and fully operational with
    commissioning and validation complete. We have now employed three
    specialist chemists engaged in formulation, stability trials, process
    development and BEC(R) purification. The laboratory and staff will
    allow us to expediate our development program. Manufacturing of BEC-2S
    has continued in the laboratory. Work carried out by Curtin University
    has successfully developed a large scale extraction - purification
    process for BEC(R) which our chemists are now validating at Solbec's

    Scale up will allow commercial quantities of BEC-2S to be manufactured

    Solbec have a modern horticultural facility where propagation and
    cultivation of the selected plant species is undertaken. The facility
    south of Perth currently has over 2000 mature plants and over 1,000
    seedlings in various stages of maturity. We have a second propagation
    facility north of Perth to ensure constant supply of plant material
    should there be any adverse event at either facility. Further
    facilities are planned as the need arises.

    Results for the animal studies carries out at Murdoch University have
    confirmed the efficacy and safety of BEC(R) in melanoma and
    mesothelioma models. Mesothelioma is an incurable asbestos related
    lung cancer. The results Solbec has achieved in mouse studies are very
    promising with independent reports stating that "most researchers
    would be excited with 1% remission of disease", whilst Solbec
    achieved 17% remission.

    Pre-clinical work required by the US FDA in order to commence human
    trials in the US, has been identified and a Canadian group has been
    commissioned to undertake the program. Work is expected to begin
    Quarter three 2002.

    Phase I/II clinical trials are being planned in Australia and will be
    carried out to the stringent FDA standards. We are currently in
    discussions with a prestigious group of hospitals to undertake these
    studies. It is proposed that these trials will be completed by
    December 2002 and phase II studies in the US will be under way early

    The potential for Solbec to capitalise on BEC(R) was further expanded
    with another provisional patent application in Australia and the USA,
    lodged in February, and with the approval of an existing patent in
    Japan. Further patents are in development and we hope to have these
    lodged with the Australian and US authorities in the near future.

    The patent lodged in February will protect our IP in relation to the
    diagnostic potential of the drug as well as its use as a therapeutic.
    In the laboratory we have shown that we can identify and visualise
    cancer cells using this technology, we are now looking for partners
    to complete the development. Solbec has been approached by a number
    of companies interested in working with us on this project.

    In an effort to keep the public and shareholders informed of the
    company and our progress, in December 2001 we initiated our web site ( The web site has had
    in excess of 2500 visitors and provides a wealth of information about
    the company. The web site also allows interested people to subscribe
    free of charge to our news service, so that each subscriber will be
    e-mailed whenever a news article, report or ASX announcement is made
    regarding Solbec. This ensures real time up to date information for
    the shareholder or subscriber.

    In the past six months Solbec has received a large amount of media
    coverage including:

    * ABC News
    * National Nine News
    * ABC radio business hour
    * WA Business News
    * Sunday Times x 3
    * Sydney Morning Herald
    * Bio Medoz
    * West Australian
    * Huntleys Small Companies Guide
    * Bioshares
    * Real Estate Show
    * Stock to Watch (Sanford)
    * CNBC
    * Melbourne Age

    The Directors are aware of the benefits of good media coverage and
    will continue to elicit publicity at the appropriate time. We have
    been keeping stockbrokers updated on announcements and informed of our
    progress. Excellent responses have been received from many of the key
    firms in Biotech. Many broking firms will not recommend stock to
    their clients until they have completed a due diligence study and
    compiled their own research report. We are aware of this and are
    working with a number of the firms to facilitate this process. We
    have recently commissioned an independent review of Solbec's
    operations and science. This review was very positive and will be
    forwarded to broking firms with the hope it will assist them in their
    own assessment of the Company. The Managing Director will continue
    meeting with Investment Advisors to inform them of Solbec's progress
    and potential.


    The Lawley Joint Venture continues to progress well. We have received
    a preliminary assessment of the regulatory file submitted to the
    Australian TGA, for Andro-feme (testosterone for women). As is usual,
    the TGA have requested further documentation. This has been prepared
    and submitted and should expedite the approval process outcome. We
    have also received a response from the New Zealand regulatory
    authority for the Andro-Feme file submitted and data is currently
    being prepared to meet their requirements. Successful outcomes of
    these submissions will enable sales and marketing activities to
    rapidly increase the revenue stream generated by the Lawley products.

    Regulatory submissions for other Lawley products are in preparation
    and are expected to be submitted to the regulatory authorities by the
    end of 2002.


    As at 30 April 2002 the Company held $1.4M cash on deposit. The
    Company also has holdings in ASX listed entities currently value at
    ca$2.4M. Included in these holdings are 8.5 million shares (HRK) and
    2.75 million options (HRKO) in Heartlink Limited. Heartlink Ltd
    recently acquired the Travelworld, Traveland and Jetset travel
    franchise groups and following a change in name to Jetset Travelworld
    Ltd and capital raising is expected to relist on ASX around 30 May
    2002. Solbec provided loan funds of $1.0 Million to assist Heartlink
    in the abovementioned acquisitions and is entitled to convert the
    loan funds to shares and (1:2) options in Heartlink at $0.20 per

    The investment was made to return a direct dividend to Solbec and
    also to enhance the value of the significant equity in Heartlink held
    by Intermin Resources Ltd (IRC) (currently 26% of the issued capital
    of HRK). Solbec holds 12.35 million shares or 13.2% of the issued
    capital of IRC. This holding is currently valued at ca$0.74 million.

    In addition to the abovementioned current assets, the Company
    believes that notwithstanding the withdrawal from MIM from the
    Jervois Project, the project has a significant cash value. Solbec is
    currently negotiating with a number of parties to realize this value.
    Should these negotiations conclude successfully the cash position of
    the Company would be further enhanced.


    Activities on the Company's mineral projects are gradually being
    phased out as joint ventures are terminated or tenements are not


    Exploration by MIM at the Jervois Project is being wound down
    following disappointing results in recent drilling at this project.
    It would appear that while early results from MIM were very
    encouraging and substantial copper resources exist, the Jervois
    Project does not provide the size/grade parameters which meet MIM
    investment criteria. The result is disappointing for the Company and
    MIM who have expended over $2.5M on this project since commencement
    of the Joint Venture.

    The Company has been notified by MIM of its withdrawal from the
    project as at 28/05/2002. The Company has had numerous enquiries from
    parties seeking to acquire the project or to continue exploration in
    joint venture with the Company. These enquiries are currently being


    The Company holds a number of mining tenements which have potential to
    produce potash. These include the Chandler Alunite Project (option to
    acquire), the Gingin Dandaragan Glauconite project and the Yaringa
    Potash project.

    Exploration and metallurgical testwork undertaken on these projects
    over the past two years has been very encouraging and indicates
    excellent potential for viable potash recovery from resources held.
    The Company is seeking a well funded resource company to acquire or
    fund development of these projects.


    Exploration activities on the Company's other (gold) prospects have
    been restricted to minimum expenditure input requirements. Farm in
    partners are being sought for these projects.


    Overall the Pharmaceutical project continues to provide exciting and
    encouraging results. The Company is well on track and on budget to
    achieve its long term goals of registration of BEC(R) and steroid
    products in world markets. The mineral assets are being packaged into
    marketable parcels to assist in the divestment of those assets. The
    Directors and Management of Solbec are pleased with the progress of
    the Company to date.

    ends - AAP
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