When is a RC NOT a RC?

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    We understand a Royal Commission is the highest level of issue enquiry - under Australian law. Each one brought to investigate a specific issue, relative to current community concern. NOT a court of law - per se - but able, via it's objective scrutiny, and subequent conclusions, regarding "on oath" evidence given from various associated witnesses - to recommened further actions if seen fit - to bring charges, and perhaps, WITHIN the suitable Courts of Law, have those charges prosecuted - ussies addressed -

    We also understand that it is against the LAW for anyone to try and STOP such Royal Commission - also for any derisive or abusive or derogatory critiicisms to be brought against the running of one, it's officials, etc, once it is in progress.

    SO - we may then ask - HOW is it that Labor (Shorten in particular) - sneers derision at this RC - stood outside it, each night after he'd been called to give evidence, under oath, and rubbished it AFTER each days' proceedings, in public, on TV news - deriding it's whole existence, and further, the legality of it's processes, and Commssioner powers, to the gathered (and mainly Leftist) media reporters? Continuously calling it (as do his Labor and Union mates) a "political witch-hunt"?

    SO - we may ask - HOW is it that Shorten (allegedly) and his Union mates are now treating this RC AS THEIR version of a courtroom? Putting the Commissioner under THEIR judgment, as if he were on trial, which he most definitely is NOT! Bringing in armies of alleged Union paid mate lawyers - to villify and tarnish this man's reputation. for we are told - this delay of decisions until Monday, by dysion Heydon AC QC - is brought about because THESE Union engaged layer armies have demanded MORE internal private documentation re. this original innocuous invitation to present a Lecture - won't go into more detail.

    SO - we may ask - WHY is it that Julia Gillard makes a similar pre-advertised LECTURE - the Hon. Michael Kirby Lecture - two nights ago - at Vicoria University - her thematic lecture relative to the subject of "Education" - as adbertised - and wholly apolitical (As is required, I believe - in such Lectures) yet at last moment she allegedly ditched this prepared script - and instead delivers (allegedly) a totally political speech, telling Australia that she had now had some miraculous turn around in her views ion GAy MArriage, and unlike her past firm views, she now supports SUCH?

    SO - we may ask - SHE is OK with doing this? But in the current RC - alleged Union thugs, and Alleged Union financed lawyers, can turn a running RC into some court-room of THEIR making. And defame and demean and insult the proefssional integrity of a thoroughly decent man.

    SO - we may ask, Labor, in their claim of "bias" re. some invitation - (which he didn't solicit!) - conveiently forget - that As a High Court Judge, His Honor Dyson Heydon AC QC was the ONLY dissenting judge on the bench, with regard to Labor trying for approval of their off-shore Malaysian boat people solution. Yes, he voted in favor of Labor!

    Labor, in all their false sainthood cloaks - always think, I allege - that there should be o e rule for them - and entirely others for ANY others who don't toe THEIR lines of what they think are morals - political, or personal.

    I ask - what is it about this RC they (allegedly) find so frightening and threatening - they are so anxous to close the whole thing down? And fast.

    And WHY does Gillard do what she did - the other night - and the mass media don't even utter one whimper!

    (And the dills ruining the Senate - wrecking it and Australia by even being there - don't utter one syllable of protest!)

    The whole Lefty pack - totally and dangerously hypocritical. Our democracy's dying, if this keeps up.
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