The shame of Nauru, page-184

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    rogue politician's assaults can also be covered up and hidden, too. Priests, teachers, etc.

    and this thread chat based on an article lifted from "Crikey" - that bastion of all this unending "we hate Abbott" atni-conservative push from this good old Lefty Bible. According to whom - Labor has no blemish or fault - ever. NO policy mistakes ever attributed to them.

    *Funny, how never ONE squeak, or peep - from the ever hypocritical, chattering Left - about the vile, unmentionable sexual oppressions of Muslims, (Honor killings, forced marriages, forcing little girl children into misogynistic hijab full cover up of when mere "babies" of 7 or so, (the female body being seen as what, obscene?) - female genital mutilation, much of which horror - no. mass horror goes on here within Australia, under guise of "religious" dictate, and general religious brainwashing - without one murmur, ever - of the hypocritical do-gooders.

    all the above tolerated under a great wall of complicit Leftist media slence.

    Does Crikey ever have ANYTHING positive, or see ANYTHING praiseworthy, that it sees fit to actually CREDIT the conservatives with ever having done? What they don't know they then make up? Give us a break.
    Just another Lefty "bash the Right" rag.

    It was Labor doing all the dithering. About Border security. Which malicious and political point-scoring dangerous dithering then led to many unfortunate outcomes, of geography, as to where to house these people - and then to such alleged inmate safety oversights. Which of course, if existing, must be urgently rectified.

    But hindsight's a wonderful thing. And "told you so" comes too late, for many..

    Labor played dangerous and sadistic cynical political games, re. so called "asylum seekers" and their lives, most of them proven to be economic refugees. As usual, Labor never, ever, take ANY of the responsbility, let alone the blame. Sneer, whilst adjusting their (fools gold) haloes.
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