Bill Shorten by Larry Pickering

  1. 63 Posts.
    Column 1
    Column 1

    Bill Shorten

    by Larry Pickering

    Column 1
    0 This is interesting reading- unbelievable but could be correct. For Larry Pickering to say this it must be true, otherwise Bill Shorten would have had Pickering in court, but didn't have the guts to proceed with it, because Shorten knew he was involved in this criminal scam and could face a long prison term if police were called in to investigate this huge fraud scam.
    WHY I HATE THE SIGHT OF BILL SHORTEN. Written by Larry Pickering

    ''Apart from having the sort of head you'd never get tired of kicking, Bill Shorten, to put it bluntly is a mongrel dog of a bloke. What rankles me most is not his politics or his lack of loyalty, but how he treated a good friend of mine''.
    ''That good friend is a dinky-di, true blue Labor party bloke, an AWU Secretary with an unusual ambition... to do the absolute best he could for the workers. That bloke's name is Bob Kernohan, a wonderful and honest lovable human being''.
    ''In the mid 1990s Bob became aware that a Bruce Wilson, WA Secretary of the same union, and his girlfriend, Julia Gillard, had been systematically stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from their union members''.
    ''Bob was determined to expose the fraud and have the money returned to union members. He wrote a detailed, comprehensive affidavit on the activities of the two crooks, Bruce Wilson and Julia Gillard and publicised it, causing AWU heavyweights a great deal of anger and panic''.
    ''One of those AWU officials was very annoyed was (melon head) Bill Shorten, who was having it off with Nicola Roxon at the time. For God’s sake what a hilarious two-some''.
    ''Bill Shorten approached Bob Kernohan and told him to stop from exposing the scam saying, "This could bring us all down". Bob quite rightly ignored the request''.
    ''Undeterred, sneaky little Bill Shorten, with AWU supremo Bill Ludwig's blessing, then offered Bob the safe Labor seat of Melton in the Victorian Parliament's Lower House''.
    ''Bob quickly refused the offer, saying "This is nothing but a criminal bribe, I couldn't live with myself if I accepted that". This statement from honest Bob was to cause him considerably physical pain in the very near future by four heavyweight thugs sent to silence Bob Kernohan''.
    ''Bob, with the help of friends, continued to unearth the scam, which was by now gaining traction in the media, but unknown to Bob he was being shadowed by violent hired guns who were watching his daily comings and goings routine''.
    ''Then, late one night, Bob found himself cornered by four of the AWU's best thugs''.
    ''After receiving some heavy blows from all four, Bob fell to the ground in a foetal position trying to protect his head with his arms. A hail of work boots found their mark. His head, chest and stomach, he felt the pain of broken bone and torn tissue''.
    ''After what seemed an age they left Bob, bleeding and semi conscious, on the dark sidewalk''.
    ''He has never recovered from that cowardly assault. The injuries he sustained, both physical and mental, have stayed with him... they have affected every aspect of his life''.
    ''Now in hiding, he still he did not flinch from trying to restore members' funds stolen by Gillard and Wilson''.
    ''The next trick was to send him bullets in the mail and make threatening phone calls at all hours of the night. Still Bob stayed the course''.
    ''Latest reports from Victorian Police are that they have "ample evidence" to charge both Gillard and Wilson. They await a judge's ruling on further material Wilson is attempting to have suppressed''.
    ''It would be nice if, before Bob leaves us, that this matter gets resolved and just over a million dollars gets returned to Bob's union members''.
    ''That's why I don't like sneaky crooked Bill Shorten. If this sewer rat ever becomes PM then God help us''.
    ''PS. This is an update below.'.
    ''Just before Christmas, a Magistrate in Melbourne (who fully vetted the files) ruled that documents used in the commission of a crime are not covered 'by Legal Privilege' and ordered their release to Victoria Police who are now moving forward with the investigation. Thing are starting to happen Hurrah'' !
    ''Imagine an ex PM getting a long prison sentence especially a female, who are supposed to act like ladies with class? Julia Gillard a classy lady? Get real, she's made of stone and with the acid tongue of a wharfie''.
    ''Imagine other countries leaders thinking we are a bunch of hicks? With Australia's reputation of our politician's backstabbing each other and changing Prime Ministers every 5 minutes, they probably already think we are a bunch of hicks. Bill Shorten and his bunch of ALP clowns certainly are''.
    Tony Abbott may have his faults, like each of us have, but he is the most achieving and most productive Prime Minister since John Howard. If he could just grow a set of balls, he'd be 100% perfect.
    Yours truly, Larry Pickering



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