Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge 6- 8th Nov, page-189

  1. 50 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    How did you find hotcopper?

    My first interest in trading started two years ago when I was 22, I had the option of getting shares instead of cash at the mining company I work for. I still remember checking the SP and iron ore price almost obsessively everyday and thinking that i'm so smart taking the shares, theres no way i'm going to lose money on these. Which I was of course terribly wrong.
    I found HotCopper around 12 months later from a friend who told me about it when he heard me talking about wanting to get into trading myself, he has since then quit trading all together.
    I started out going through all the threads of most discussed and highest % movers. My first trades were based purely on those threads (OBJ, FAR, PAA) which of course didn't end too well. I found STT by an accidental click, but as soon as I started reading I knew I found the perfect place to align with my interests.

    How do you think reading/posting on hotcopper impacted on your trading initially?

    I read the STT thread daily when I am home on my break or on site working, it has become part of my day and I genuinly enjoy the discussions. I believe I learn a little more every day by just reading, some of you I even feel like I know you personally even though I don't post. I have just read so much about your trading amongst other things.
    Initially it has taught me that the way I was trading was completely wrong. If I ever want to make money I needed to change. I couldn't believe the level of skill you guys had at researching companies, or even where you found these companies to research. So I try soaking in as much information as I can by reading everyones posts. The main things I am focusing on which I have stuck to my computer at the moment are.
    1. Don't jump head first into companies you know nothing about.
    2. Stop sending so much money to your trading account. Put half in savings.
    3. Learn how to research properly!
    I still consider myself a base level beginner, but I do believe I have got a lot better at identifying the common mistakes people do early on and try to avoid them myself.

    Have you ever bought a stock solely on a posters advise? (Honesty system on this one!)
    I've lost quite a bit of money early on listening to sole advice so I am trying my best not to get caught up in hype over stocks and buying based on a tip. I still have major troubles researching a company and what it is i'm looking for exactly, but i'm working on it. That said I did buy SRT at .01 based on the discussions in here which has turned out great so far.

    Finally how has the STT thread / tipping comp impacted on your trading? Has it helped?

    It has made the biggest positive impact out of anything or anyone so far.
    It is the only place I can read or speak about trading, my friends are not interested one bit and can't understand how I could be, and my parents think i'm better off going to the casino.
    Personally I would like to thank all of you regulars who keep this thread so interesting and informative. An especially big thank you to @Freehold for your work and system which picks up the tips etc, i'm sure everyone shares the same thought. Hopefully I can get to a level where I can be a productive member of the discussions and and give back as much as I can to you guys.
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