Abbott.....Abbott.......Abbott.......Turnbull.....Turnbull.......Turnbull, page-52

  1. 25,520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7

    I don't rely on overseas sources for my information,I rely on my own intelligence and experience, especially when, during the early of the Howard/Costello Government, I was forced to pay a levy for a number of years, to pay for the fiscal profligacy of the last years shambolic years of the Keating Government. One doesn't forget too easily when it hits your own hip pocket.

    Anyone who doesn't mention the Whitlam years when discussing political and fiscal chicanery in Australia, can't be really serious about politics. And the disgraceful behaviour of Cairns during the 'the love I had to have' , for which he later admitted, after the court case settlement in his favour, of course, that he lied to the Court. Not to mention the fiscal chicanery of the disgraceful Khemlani Loans Affair, in which his Government tried to borrow a huge amount money from a swindler.

    No Australian Federal Government, in my time on this earth, comes anywhere near the stupidity of the Witless Whitlam and Rudd/Gillard/Rudd imbecilic years. Maybe you were in still in nappies, and, therefore, are too young to remember the chaotic Whitlam years. Still it's not too late to visit your local library, or look up the internet to advance your knowledge of Australian political history, and the chaos left behind by Witless Whitlam, and his political, and grossly inept parliamentary cronies. And the gigantic debt load passed on by Kevin to the incoming LNP Federal Government,unless you are politically blind, of course.
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