Oh dear, here we go again... The "truth" according to Vertigo... Blame the native title holders.
This is what MNM stated in the last annual report:
The Trafford (Mt Mulligan) Coal Project
A reprioritisation of Mantle’s projects toward its more advanced gold projects relegated the Mt Mulligan Coal Project to a lower priority for development. This strategically complex project demanded high ongoing costs for a project of less advanced prospectivity at a time when investor interest in thermal coal is low. As a result, the project tenements were abandoned and the project shut down.
Can you please highlight the part where MNM refers to native title holders Vertigo, just for clarification.
You will struggle to find anything because the ILUA 2012/090 is still in place.
Need proof? Here you go...
I'm sure you will try to discredit this post and make up your own version of events but it is evident that not many posters take you serious anymore.