ALA Kiralee Smith slams Walled Aly

  1. 46,441 Posts.
    What Waleed Aly presents is not journalism, nor reporting. As a trained lawyer, he specialises in only presenting convenient facts to his readers, those that suit his case, or agenda.

    Thinking Australians have woken up to Waleed Aly’s ‘taqiyya’.

    Today Kirralie Smith, NSW senate candidate for the new conservative party, Australian Liberty Alliance, has thrown down the gauntlet to Waleed Aly.

    She says,

    Come on Waleed, let's talk about Islam. You rarely do.

    Here are some conversation starters.

    1. Is Mohamed the supreme example of a human being?

    2. Does the Qur'an command muslims to 'obey Allah and the messenger?'

    3. Do you follow the example of Mohamed?

    4. Are you a true muslim if you reject the example of Mohamed and disobey the Qur'an?

    5. Was Mohamed right to sexually abuse children, remember he married a 6 year old and consummated it when she was just 9!? Please don't insult our intelligence by saying it was culturally appropriate. Was the prophet right or wrong?

    6. Do you reject the example of the prophet or condone/excuse it?

    7. Let's compare Jesus and Mohamed. Jesus was peaceful, Mohamed became increasingly violent.

    8. Let's discuss how the violence in the Bible was descriptive, it was limited to a time and place, describing historic events. Whereas the violence in the Qur'an is prescriptive - open commands to all muslims, not limited to time or place. Does this make you, or ISIS, true muslims?

    9. Was Mohamed correct about gays being stoned, thrown off buildings or beheaded - or was he wrong?

    10. Do you reject the verses in the Qur'an that explicitly call for muslims to strike at the necks of unbelievers and cut off their fingertips? Did Allah get that wrong?

    11. Is a true muslim meant to take the Qur'an literally? Are they able to pick and choose the bits they like? Can a muslim actually determine what Allah or Mohamed got right or wrong?

    12. Is Allah ever wrong?

    13. Was Mohamed ever wrong?

    Then we could talk about beheading 800 Jews, taking slaves, punishing apostates, dhimmitude, stoning adulterers, the inferiority of women and so much more….What about the OIC nations? Have they all misinterpreted the Qur’an and example of Mohamed too? Will you Waleed, condemn the Sharia Law practices of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq?

    It would be a fascinating conversation no doubt. However, I won’t hold my breath, I think Waleed will be ‘busy’ that day."

    The one open and honest discussion Waleed Aly needs to have with Australia is Islam - but it’s the one discussion he so far has failed to face.

    Bashing Tony Abbott is no substitute for honesty with the Australian public.
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