BRU 0.00% 4.8¢ buru energy limited

Not Buru - More like BooHoo!, page-12

  1. 28,132 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4856
    Sure I can't persuade you to sell your holding into the 19.5c line? Only joking.

    On more serious note, I saw one oil analyst today stating he wanted to see $33.30 hold before he was comfortable the bottom was behind us. He saw fluctuations continuing for another month or two, then, like everyone, much higher later in year. Sorry, can't find the link now, you'll just have to trust me. Looking at resistance, WTI is $32.92 and Brent $32.71. So only just above where they settled. Not sure where this guy got $33.30 from, but it's much of a muchness... You would imagine after two massive rebound sessions it has to fall back and mount another stab at these resistance levels later on real news of supply reduction/production cuts or increased demand. Just maybe, if Snowmageddon freezes US from Boston up for a week or so, it may in fact keep going up above these levels, we can only hope... Point bring, if and when it does, it isn't coming back.

    Right, that's serious point out of the way, any other closet accumulators feel like trolling tonight?
    Last edited by CEOChair: 23/01/16
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