eye on the ball

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    The Guardian Tuesday July 18, 2006


    Much has been made in recent days - at the G8 summit and elsewhere - of
    Israel's right to retaliate against the capture of its soldiers, or
    attacks on its troops on its own sovereign territory. Some, such as
    those in the US administration, seem to believe that Israel has an
    unqualified licence to hit back at its enemies no matter what the cost.
    And even those willing to recognise that there may be a problem tend to
    couch it in terms of Israel's "disproportionate use of force" rather
    than its basic right to take military action.

    But what is at stake here is not proportionality or the issue of
    self-defence, but symmetry and equivalence. Israel is staking a claim
    to the exclusive use of force as an instrument of policy and
    punishment, and is seeking to deny any opposing state or non-state
    actor a similar right. It is also largely succeeding in portraying its
    own "right to self-defence" as beyond question, while denying anyone
    else the same. And the international community is effectively endorsing
    Israel's stance on both counts.

    From an Arab point of view this cannot be right. There is no reason in
    the world why Israel should be able to enter Arab sovereign soil to
    occupy, destroy, kidnap and eliminate its perceived foes - repeatedly,
    with impunity and without restraint - while the Arab side cannot do the
    same. And if the Arab states are unable or unwilling to do so then the
    job should fall to those who can.

    It is important to bear in mind that in both the case of the Hamas raid
    that led to the invasion of Gaza and the Hizbullah attack that led to
    the assault on Lebanon it was Israel's regular armed forces, not its
    civilians, that were targeted. It is hard to see how this can be filed
    under the rubric of "terrorism", rather than a straightforward tactical
    defeat for Israel's much-vaunted military machine; one that Israel
    seems loth to acknowledge.

    Some of this has to do with the paradox of power: the stronger the
    Israeli army becomes, the more susceptible and vulnerable it becomes to
    even a minor setback. The loss of even one tank, the capture of one
    soldier or damage done to one warship has a negative-multiplier effect:
    Israel's "deterrent" power is dented out of all proportion to the act
    itself. Israel's retaliation is thus partly a matter of restoring its
    deterrence, partly sheer vengeance, and partly an attempt to compel its
    adversaries to do its bidding.

    But there is also something else at work: Israel's fear of
    acknowledging any form of equivalence between the two sides. And it is
    precisely this that seems to provide the moral and psychological
    underpinning for Israel's ongoing assault in both Gaza and Lebanon -
    the sense that it may have met its match in audacity, tactical
    ingenuity and "clean" military action from an adversary who may even
    have learned a thing or two from Israel itself, and may be capable of
    learning even more in the future.

    There has of course been nothing "clean" about Israeli military action
    throughout the many decades of conflict in Palestine and Lebanon.
    Israel's wanton disregard for civilian life during the past few days is
    neither new nor out of character. For those complaining about
    violations of Israeli sovereignty by Hizbullah or Hamas, it may be
    useful to recall the tens of thousands of Israeli violations of
    Lebanese sovereignty since the late 60s, the massive air raids of the
    mid-70s and early 80s, the 1978 and 1982 invasions and occupation of
    the capital Beirut, the hundreds of thousands of refugees, the
    28-year-old buffer zone and proxy force set up in southern Lebanon, the
    assassinations, car bombs, and massacres, and finally the continuing
    violations of Lebanese soil, airspace and territorial waters and the
    detention of Lebanese prisoners even after Israel's withdrawal in 2000.

    It is unnecessary here to recount the full range of Israel's violations
    of Palestinian "sovereignty", not least of which is its recent refusal
    to accept the sovereign electoral choice of the Palestinian people.
    Israel's extraterritorial, extrajudicial execution of Palestinian
    leaders and activists began in the early 70s and has not ceased since.
    But for those seeking further enlightenment about Hamas's recent
    action, the fact is that some 650,000 acts of imprisonment have taken
    place since the occupation began in 1967, and that 9,000 Palestinians
    are currently in Israel's jails, including some 50 old-timers
    incarcerated before and despite the 1993 Oslo accords, and many others
    whom Israel refuses to release on the grounds that they have "blood on
    their hands", as if only one side in this conflict was culpable, or the
    value of one kind of human blood was superior to another.

    If there ever was a case for establishing some form of mutually
    acknowledged parity regarding the ground rules of the conflict, Hamas
    and Hizbullah have a good one to make. And if there ever was a case for
    demonstrating that what is good on one side of the border should also
    good on the other, Hamas and Hizbullah's logic has strong appeal to
    Arab and Muslim public opinion - regardless of what the supine Arab
    state system may say.

    Indeed as George Bush and other western leaders splutter on about
    freedom, democracy, and Israel's right to defend itself, Tony Blair's
    repeated claim that events in the region should not be linked to
    terrible events elsewhere is looking increasingly fatuous.

    The slowly expanding war in Afghanistan, the devastation of Iraq, the
    death and destruction in Gaza and the bombing of Beirut are all
    providing a slow but sure drip feed for those who believe that the west
    is incapable of taking a balanced moral stance, and is directly or
    indirectly complicit in a design meant to break Arab and Muslim will
    and subjugate it to untrammelled Israeli force.

    Contrary to what Blair seems to believe, the use of force is unlikely
    to breed western style-liberalism and moderation. What is at issue here
    is not democracy but the right to resist Israeli arrogance and be
    treated on a par with it in every respect, including the use of force.
    If Israel has the right to "defend itself" then so has everyone else.

    Furthermore, there is nothing in the history of the region to suggest
    that Israel's destruction of mass popular movements such as Hamas or
    Hizbullah (even if this were possible) would drive their successors
    closer to western-style democracy, and every reason to believe the
    opposite. Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982 did away with the PLO
    and produced Hizbullah instead, the incarceration and elimination of
    Arafat only served to strengthen Hamas, and the wars in Afghanistan,
    the Gulf and Iraq gave birth to Bin Ladenist terrorism and extended its
    reach and appeal. And we should not be surprised if the summer of 2006
    produces more of the same.

    However Israel's latest adventure ends, it will not produce greater
    sympathy and understanding between west and east, or a downturn in
    extremism. Indeed the most likely outcome is that a new wave of
    virulent and possibly unconventional anti-western terrorism may well
    crash against this and other shores. We will all - Israelis, Arabs and
    westerners - suffer as a result.
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