FMG 1.02% $18.81 fortescue ltd

Iron Ore Price, page-4585

  1. 2,957 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 72
    debt reduction, news of less supplies. balance of supply and demand, china opening the money train, low cost producer,
    now what is the best bet in ore mining at this stage with the most potential.
    it could be the one who has grown/increased its market share, showing cash flow to support the future in hard market times.
    what if ore stays above 45 to 55 this year. or could it go higher.
    the bottom has been tested and shown a bounce a few times now. its time to weather the last few month till the Chinese money hits the streets.
    Don't forget the other markets that are about to take on bold infrastructure plans.
    looks ok for lookandsee.
    a green finish today in a sea of red will be a great indication for thing to come.
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$18.96 $19.01 $18.50 $111.5M 5.915M

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2 1600 $18.80

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$18.84 28110 4
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Last trade - 16.10pm 24/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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