Voters flocking to the Australian Liberty Alliance

  1. 46,458 Posts.
    I will be voting ALA.

    THE Daily Telegraph recently ran a story written by Catherine McGregor. That article quoted former PM Tony Abbott saying: “At the moment no serious senior conservative figure has come out and demanded the formation of a new political party to combat extremism.

    “So for the moment I am not too concerned that parties like the Australian Liberty Alliance will make significant inroads into our base.”
    Isn’t it interesting that he mentions Australian Liberty Alliance and not any other minor parties?
    The reality is there’s genuine concern among LNP ranks that there is a haemorrhage of loyal conservative voters who have indeed flocked to ALA.
    The day after ALA announced the first three Senate candidates, I received this email:
    Dear Kirralie,
    Congratulations on your selection as candidate for the Senate representing NSW.
    I have resigned from the Liberal Party and as president of the Coffs Harbour branch of the Liberal Party.
    I took this decision when Turnbull ousted Abbott in the recent coup in Canberra.
    I believe Turnbull to be soft on immigration, border control, climate change, United Nations involvement, etc.
    If I can be of assistance in your campaign for the Senate I am only too happy to help.
    I am actively encouraging people to join the Australian Liberty Alliance.
    With best wishes
    James Morland
    I have since received many more like it.
    On November 17, 2015, there was a “Christmas” party for Tony Abbott in the northern Sydney area. There were about 400 or so guests. Over the following days I was contacted by many people who were in attendance.
    This is an example of what they were saying:
    “I have voted LNP all my life and because of the past six months, all that changes and I will tell them so.”

    Another lifelong LNP voter continually copies me into her email correspondence with LNP politicians. She often says:
    “I will be voting for you in the Senate.”
    I have received many lengthy emails from disenfranchised LNP voters, and many of their sentiments are echoed in the comments sections of the newspaper articles referring to Abbott, Turnbull and co.

    Kirralie Smith.
    This is very typical of what I receive:
    “With Malcolm Turnbull at the helm of the Liberal Party, there is now virtually no difference to having a Labor PM leading the Liberals. Australian Liberty Alliance now appears to be the only true alternative to ‘keep the bastards honest’ in the words of the late Don Chipp.”
    And: “Recent events in the Liberal Party have destroyed my faith in them being able to rescue this country from disaster and I now look towards a more conservative organisation which recognises our Muslim and other left-wing problems without fear of criticism from our left-wing media.”
    And: “Finally, a party who listens to the electorate and isn’t playing the ‘politically correct, do not offend no matter what they do’ card while our very way of life is being eroded.” Many who were once LNP financial members, branch secretaries and leaders contact us with messages of support and a significant number of these have joined ALA as members.
    Instead of waiting around for the so-called “serious senior conservative figures” to speak out, the actual conservatives, the ones who vote, are deserting LNP in droves.
    And the LNP know it!
    This week I was sent an email from a former secretary of a Sydney branch of the Liberal Party. He wrote:
    “I was invited to a Liberal Party function and I rang the office to advise that I resigned as secretary last year.
    “The woman I was speaking to is an adviser to the member and when I told her that my wife and I were voting ALA, she opened up.
    “She said they have received a number of similar calls and that some of her friends were going to vote ALA.
    “The final kicker was that she is thinking of voting ALA as she recognises the need for a conservative party and she is concerned about the current immigration policies.
    “Being a woman, she is very aware that she would be a loser with sharia law.”
    Mr Abbott may not be too concerned right now about ALA making significant inroads into the conservative base of voters but he, and the rest of the LNP, may be in for a surprise or two come election time.
    Kirralie Smith is the NSW Senate candidate for the Australian Liberty Alliance
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