Hi Yield Risky Investment / Gamble

  1. 78 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    I wanted to know if it's OK to post a link to a high risk investment / gamble I've put (gambled) money into.

    It feels a lot like a ponzi scheme but I know someone (financial advisor) who visited them in Europe and believes it to be legit. I'm still thinking it's very very high risk, also it pays commissions for introducing new members.

    I enetered this in early December and have now doubled my money (sort of anyway). I keep reinvesting the returns so get a compounding affect.

    The company is called Beonpush and claims to make money by placing ads on the internet in a disruptive fashion, they also claim to have 5000 new investors every month.

    Any money invested returns 150% so if you invest $1,000 they will repay you $1,500, the rate of return is usually between 1.5% - 2.0% per day. You can put in as little as $20.

    Anyway if this stays afloat for a year or two I would make really good money, if it goes belly up, then yeah I was a sucker investing in something that looks a bit to good to be true. Thats why I'm looking at this as a big gamble, it's fun as long as you can afford to lose what you put in...... playmoney only.

    I don't want to spam, but it's intriguing. You need an invitation to join and if it's OK I'll post it here, but given I would be a benificary from anyone joining I'm not sure if it's OK to post that here. Opinions appreciated, or Mod's if it's not OK please delete the thread.

    Most my stock investing is in PM's so am a bit of a gambler.
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