Climate Change - Science Or Religion?, page-76

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    Mr. Cruel 440

    Okay I'll play the deflection game

    i) Toxic?
    ii) Control evil water?

    That's a little bit Zieg Heil, isn't it?

    Certainly one of man's new "GODLIKE" delusions, that we can control everything, What are you suggesting - we take buckets of water into space, and toss them out there?

    But in truth the IPCC is has no idea if there is more H2O in the form of water vapour than there was 10 years ago, 100 years ago, post industrial age (ah-hah!), or a bunch of millennia ago or even eons ago. So even if we could change H2O with our machine, it is not clear that the largest/ biggest and most causal Green House Gas is a cause of / for climate change / global warming / whatever you wish to call it.

    The bugger with H2O in it's gaseous state is that it is virtually un-measurable, unlike say CO2. CO2 disperses itself fairly consistently about the planet, both horizontally & vertically, although it does take about 6 months for the Northern Hemisphere's seasonal buildup to dissipate, across the Hadley Cell into the Southern Hemisphere. So at any point in time there is a mild CO2 concentration gradient across the planet, about 400 p.p.m. or thereabouts I believe?

    So by and large CO2 lends itself to great measurement.

    Not only that, i.e. in it's airborne sate, for tiny molecules are caught in the formation of snow, and when that is precipitated, and subsequently impacted into ice, another strata, in ice cores emerges that is readily measurable as well!

    Because CO2 is so measurable, scientists measure it.

    To do so they make great efforts to trek to the earth's extremities to measure CO2, in vast data sets that are corroborated in even more vast libraries of CO2 knowledge, that has now been accumulated ever since the hole in the ozone layer proved of istself not to be half the calamity we were once assured it would be. [And I was forced to buy a new damned fridge!]

    But of the stuff that is truly, truly material, H2O, we know nothing!


    ... or simply conveniently overlooked by those that wish to entertain and encourage 'a narrative'? "Their' narrative ... "Their" funding to the Arctic & Antarctic!

    "Their" scientific grants.

    "Their" conservation...

    Sadly water vapour does not behave like CO2 at all.

    It is extremely turbulent, inconsistent and irregular and although most is invisible, it countenances with material concentration differentials within yards for short moments. Steamy clouds of infinite variety and form, writhe constantly in a hyperactive amoebic dance into the highest the of high Sirius strata, or fog down in depressing cold blankets when not in their preferred greenhouse gaseous state, but rather assume an accursed Albedo Effect in schizophrenic and immeasurable alter ego!

    Furthermore and confidingly so, measures of humidity are neither consistent horizontally or vertically...

    Nonetheless it's pretty clear there is more H2O about in it's liquid form (commonly known a water) , than there has been for a while. But there have been ages with more water, and that understanding gives us absolutely no clue about how much H2O in it's greenhouse gas state at any one point in time, on planet earth.


    A sad paper on this bit of human understanding of H2O's greenhouse gaseous state would go to a few thousand words, and need no more than 1 peer reviewed paper, for humanity to know, conclusively, what we already know - and that is "that we know nothing about the earth's H2O greenhouse gas consentrations levels through time!"

    So no academic paper...

    No PhD!

    No secondments to assistant professorial tenure!

    No research tools?

    No great ice breaking ships to go the the extremities...

    No Scientific grant!


    Because H2O is so unmasurable, scientists do not measure it.

    Doesn't mean it isn't vitally important!

    Not in the least!

    Such is the dour nature of man's scientific epistemology in this age...

    And it is truly, truly sad
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