SGH 1.90% $45.42 sgh limited

Nurofen class action, page-2

  1. 2,144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 175
    Be good if it is - Bannister Law''s got a whole bunch of high-profile class actions going right now.

    Not that I'm a favor of class actions - which I see as just a result of a legal firm standing the higher moral ground, making out they care about aggrieved people, but really only to make exhorbitent fees for themselves.

    And, judging by the MB article on the weekend, sort of forgetting to pass on dosh to those people it makes out it cares so much about.

    But, I suppose from a purely selfish point of view, if a high-profile class action's going to happen - it might as well be SGH doing it.
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