XSO 0.13% 3,210.5 s&p/asx small ordinaries

The Brains Trust - 2016, page-4748

  1. 1,487 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 65
    For any boring punters that like 30-50% moves and rose smelling fingers...of the ASX 2800 odd, here are the top 40 (in order) behaved liquid trending stocks with some history of MT mean reversion.
    [Note: Not all buys - Some trading high, some low.]
    Part 1:

    GXY.png FRM.png SMN.png AMI.png PML.png RMS.png PNV.png TPP.png BLK.png CGS.png A2M.png SAR.png SPZ.png BOE.png SBM.png VTG.png VSC.png XTD.png SLR.png DRM.png
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