Libs giving it to Labor

  1. 20,246 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 510
    an great example
    that the labor party
    WILL destroy the Libs with

    yes its him again, once more, another time
    why they keep feeding this one.. is amazing !

    SURELY the liberal want Labor to Win
    as now its looking too easy for Labor

    Committee seeks Sinodinos action

    The Senate will be asked to consider action against Arthur Sinodinos after the cabinet secretary failed to front a parliamentary inquiry.
    The terms of reference for an inquiry into laws covering to political donations specifically directed that Senator Sinodinos appear before the committee to answer questions.
    But he didn't turn up to a public hearing in Canberra on Thursday.
    Senator Sinodinos was NSW Liberal Party treasurer and finance director when secret donors poured $700,000 into the party's coffers ahead of the 2011 state election.
    The NSW Electoral Commission is refusing to pay the Liberals more than $4.4 million until it reveals the secret donors.
    Senator Sinodinos earlier told ABC radio the inquiry was "just a political stunt" and said there was ample opportunity for Labor to scrutinise him via parliamentary question time and estimates hearings.
    Committee chairwoman Senator Jenny McAllister told the hearing on Thursday the committee had resolved to report to the Senate on two matters: Senator Sinodinos' failure to comply with the order to appear and the possible unauthorised disclosure of his letter responding to the committee.
    Senator McAllister said it was a matter for the Senate and not the committee to determine any possible consequences.
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