AMI 2.70% 19.0¢ aurelia metals limited

Ann: Hera Resources and Reserves-AMI.AX, page-4

  1. 5,191 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4198
    Just read the release - quite a good explanation of all the details of how the recalculated ore reserves are done, stuff that I like is

    1. Use of the $/Ton NSR figure due to the polymetallic nature of the deposit
    2. Increase in Gold grade - sure they may not see all the gold but watch further releases for reconciliations to improve
    3. Using top cuts to take out skewing of small amounts of high grade assays in data (this is quite conservative but also goo practice)
    4. A few lenses (and material inbetween them) reclassified as ore which increases stope sizes and gives more tonnes without losing money
    5. New drilling supporting some of this reinterpretation
    6. Good clear descriptions of search ellipses used in modelling
    7. Signed off by experienced competent people with both a mining engineer and resource geo mentioned.
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