Up 1.7%...buy!
I just love how you guys are going the man when he's written an article saying RAP @ 45 is expensive. Saying his piece is uneducated, poorly written, poorly researched....
I can honestly say, that if he'd written a piece saying RAP is under-valued @ 45, you'd be singing his praises.
If you believe in RAP, who gives a toss what he writes.
If you believe his piece has the ability to drop the price, and you still believe, then it's a great buying opportunity!
Cmon guys and girls. Tis under 30.
Put your money where your mouths are and buy up!
I'll tell you one thing: it got me reading an MF article. I've never done that before!
********** downramps Resapp, page-164
Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 4 SEPTEMBER 2024 #