A Very interesting observation and i agree with you 100% regarding the dates and relevance for whatever reason major events have all been occurring around these dates,
@shane.hardy ....
What kind of mason are you if you dont understand Time by Degrees?
the above information is based around the Gann method of trading. a method not practiced by many and a method that people are still trying to understand and replicate and implement to this day (note i have barely scratched the surface on Gann so i am far from any expert)
As the summer leads into Autum it will be interesting what that season brings...
Note to all and also worth noting:
Court Decision (For whatever reason) Came out on March 21 2016 A Major seasonal Date...
Next dates of significance in the short term are:
23rd July
8th Aug, with the 8th being the more powerful of the 2 dates,
Be it what it may and i could be miles of the mark but the above are dates that have significance if you trade TxD...