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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 855
    G'day again elixer8-As ABU has no ore to process, as ABU is  not currently mining .

    When the Bumblebee discovery was announced that initial air-core drilling of a multi-element
    surface geochemistry anomaly returned significant precious and base metal values,
    including- 7 metres averaging-3.3g/t gold, 37.7g/t silver, 3.2% copper, 0.9% lead,
    1.3% zinc and 0.08% cobalt approximately 30 metres below surface.

    ABU investors had there provisional vision dulled, as the primary focus
    by investors was Old Pirate, this was at the time both understandable & regretful as
    those that have suffered & bailed imo stand to receive not just a financial hit but
    a high likely hood of an emotional double up whammy if either ABU's extensional
    or IGO's drilling campaign come up trumps.

    Just because others had not noticed ATT-of the O/P debacle , in no way impedes
    the potential & significance of ABU's or potentially the greater IGO's-discoveries'.
    imo many that were aware & patiently been sitting on the sidelines have began
    taking a position & or increasing there holdings in ABU, as can be seen in the most
    recent top 40 holding's .
    The actually of drill core's, the EM survey-IGO's commitment speak for its self,
    IGO  having firstly defined shallow discovered elements-being valuable multi-elements
    Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc, Lead  & cobalt..

    Further initial discovery & as recently ASX announced  26-March this year,
    IGO completed a Geophysical Survey the electromagnetic  survey results determined
    there was a Strong & clear conductor target identified as 500 mts in strike length.
    The modelled conductor displays characteristics consistent with being associated with
    mineralisation -middle plate commencing at 110mts & being unconstrained in depth
    extending up to 400mts deep.

    Since first drilling discovery & more recently the March EM survey-IGO has
    purchased a 9% stake in ABU & committed themselves to 6million AU in
    exploration & commenced drilling series of diamond holes at the
    Bumblebee Prospect, results pending .

    elixer8 , You should read relevant IGO-ABU ASX-release's & become more informed,
    you will likely be surprised  & less likely to react to emotions that are for the most part
    relevant to the previous- ABU-BOD & Old Pirate.
    There is additional info contained in the ABU-H.C. thread -Bumblebee's & The Districts Potential  
    If Invigorated/Interested -Do Some More Of Your Own Research.
    Suggest having a look at Sirius -Nova Discovery its interesting in that was also a multi-element
    discovery- of significant large volume 450mts in strike length & 1,000 mts depth.
    Its also very interesting that IGO our Bumblebee Joint Venture partner purchased the Nova
    Deposit -primarily elements nickel & copper for 1.8 Billion, Sirius share price rose from 5c
    to $5.00 in just two & half months.

    Bumblebee is reported as being -
    Multi-element surface geochemistry anomaly Metal association & geology indicate analogies
    to Cloncurry style iron oxide copper, gold-(IOCG) deposits.

    From Wikipedia-Iron oxide copper gold ore deposits-IOCG
    These ore bodies range from around 10 million tonnes of contained ore, to 4,000 million tonnes
    or more, and have a grade of between 0.2% to 5% copper, with gold contents ranging from 0.1 to
    3+ grams per tonne (parts per million).
    These ore bodies tend to express as cone-like, blanket-like breccia sheets within granitic margins,
    or as long ribbon-like breccia or massive iron oxide deposits within faults or shears.
    The tremendous size, relatively simple metallurgy and relatively high grade of IOCG deposits
    can produce extremely profitable mines.

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