Hi mods
Think I've been on HC for a year and a half and joined because I have a stock which I bought before I knew it was on HC.
I use HC after I have found a stock which I'm interested in to see other people's opinion in that stock. Now we need all opinions good and bad, no point having all good or all bad as it should be debated.
Everyone has an opinion and a favorite stock. Even if you use a pro stockbroker they have there favorite, or they have a sell on one stock and another broker may have a buy. Newsletters they also promote which ever stocks they like etc.. Everyone has there opinion it's up to the reader to take the information and do what they think is right acording to all the research they have done.
With regulating things more or putting more rules in, well how do people react to that. Just look around in normal everyday society and how people react to the ever increasing rules, political correctness and how little things are blown out of proportion.
I like the way HC is. Everyone views there opinion, I don't agree with personal attacks. Now if someone is in love with a stock that's human emotion, if someone thinks they are wrong then give the person the facts, don't just call them an idiot.
More and more people use there iPhones, I pads so maybe the mobile platform can be improved as I can't see people's disclosures on my iPhone. Or have an app to log into HC. Have a better profile page, more like a loyalty card where mods and users can see more about a person.
like in life you have people that are honest and people that lie or try to rip others off. It just doesent happen here it happens in ever day life.
As far as legal protection goes maybe the poster should be liable for any personal attacks, defamation etc.
Maybe a few improvements, mobile app, but why tamper with something that's not broken and works well. And how many people like changes
Keep up the good work
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