AJX 4.00% 1.2¢ alexium international group limited

Who had the Balls ?, page-142

  1. 556 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Morning all.

    Been doing some catch up reading and think I've missed a bit.

    But not sure if I have the whole story but all the lost money in life insurance and income protection, art which I enjoy looking at and wine that I enjoy drinking and the nice new house I want is all lost..

    But I do it for my enjoyment but also to better the life of my family, I like to think its not all about me but also others in my life like my kids which are under 6.

    Now if I can help them and my lost money goes to making there future better giving them better education etc then that is also an investment in there future...

    Oh well have a good day all, of to catch my next plane....
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